Well yet another year come and gone. This one certainly had its ups and downs but on the whole not too friggin terrible. So here's to you my bloggy peeps, for auld lang syne. Cheers!
(slugs down his 15th cranberry juice)
Rare twice in one day post. I'm ashamed of myself. What in this Good God's Green Earth am I bitching about? I annoy myself no end with these pitiful rants. Oh why oh why?!?! Why aren't I a fabulously rich and famous rockstar, moviestar, author, photographer and painter yet??! Where are my beautiful children and my beautiful wife? My beautiful home? My 3 porsches in the driveway? Fuck's sake! Such proto-typical American rich white upper middle class white boy blues bullshit! I disgust me. Especially considering that whatever perceived lack of accomplishment may be plaguing me I brought myself to this place. No one is responsible for my failings as a human being but me and my vice chasing ways. A sober and god fearing man would be grateful for all the wonderful gifts I posess. I have health (excepting where I've damaged it myself), a job, a place to live, a car and money for gas. I have talent and brains and not the worst looks in the world. Thank you Jesus, thank you Lord. Um...that is all.
Busy day today. Up at 7, load up the car with guitar stuff, drive to gym, 25 minutes on treadmill (a mile and a half) and 20 minutes on abs. Ug. They've been hurting for days but I can't seem to get the fat off me. I lost another pound though. 178 lbs when I stepped on the scale. Sigh. 13 lbs to go. Yes, I revised my target weight down to 165 lbs. What good is a target if it's not unreachable? I ask you! I always say "Aim for the stars and you might find yourself on a mountain top." I talked to the personal trainer Jim and he was like "Oh yeah I've been watching you. You look great now." He leered. "I was like "Eeeeeeeeyah, uh....thanks...Jim." Ladies, all the cute ones are queer. If you want a real man to curl your toes and make you scream "YES!" over and over you need a short, fat, ugly guy with a hungry gleam in his eye when he looks at you that says "ANIMAL!". What? I'm serious! Anyway, thence to work, and a meeting at noon. I'm going to stop counting days. Who cares how long it's been? All that matters is today. After the meeting it's back to work, then drive to NYC to perform at a benefit for the homeless hosted by NCS at Triad in NYC. Opening for Phil Roy and backing up Curtis Willis. I imagine it'll be 10 PM or so by the time I get home. I can't seem to get to sleep before 2AM. Dammit! Been reading a lot of old Robert Heinlein books I picked up for a song at the used bookstore. He's kind of campy but I love his writing style. I should really start writing the novel tonight. I'm way the fuck behind schedule for National Novel Writing Month. I did it last year but this year I'm not very motivated. I dunno why LOL. It's not like I have anything else going on!