Monday, November 06, 2006

New Chess Blog!

The lovely Lori indirectly introduced me to Dagoth through a bloggy challenge to show your favorite stuff. Turns out he and I have the same chess board. I challenged him to a game so he started a new BLOG to chronicle our game and show the moves. Good geeky fun! I haven't played a remote game in a long long time if ever! We're both medium duffer level players I gather so it should be a long game. One move a day or so. Go check him out and say hi! And NO KIBBUTZING! :-)
I haven't killed my band mates yet though it's been a near thing. I love those guys but sometimes I feel like saying "Shut the fuck up, play well and everything will take care of itself." I feel like spend all my time (when not practicing, booking gigs, sending out mailings, working on the website or recording, etc, etc...) fending off their complaints about everything I do. Fuck's sake! Hurry up and go form your own band and do it all just a little bit while you still know every fucking thing. I want to ask how the view is from the cheap seats. I'd be a lot more open to their suggestions if they got some gigs, brought some people to those gigs or did any of the ten million jobs that doing this thing takes. OK, that's enough of that ragging.
Today is day 22. Each day seems a little longer than the last. Well, maybe not. I'm getting more and more accomplished. Work, gym, practice, performing, lessons, everyday chores, boat maintenance...we do it all just a little bit. I'd sure like to get completely falling down drunk but I know if I do it won't be a one time thing. And therein lies the rub McDuff. Meh.


lime said...

very snazzy chessboard. sorry the bandmates are such whiny buggers. hope they wise up soon. tay the course, dude. 22 days is a good thing. you've got a sponser and meetings, use em as needed and know i'm behind you, for whatever that's worth. (thanks for the kind compliment at my place today, glad i could give yo ua know it will only encourage me to post more of these damn memes and i have like 6 sitting in drafts for when i am too effin lazy to be creative, lol)

big hugs...

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Hey, cool news! Glad to play a part in your game. Keep up the goodz workz!

Unknown said...

awesome, mine is wooden...loser gets to be stale mated by me :-)

Hoochie Mama said...

Day 22? Really? Well shit! Way to go!!!

Ummm... the chess thing could be kinda cool!

ZooooM said...

I hope the band thing gets better. Glad to hear you are still busy creating and playing. The on line chess thing is fun too!