Attention Mr. and Mrs. America, and all the ships at sea! Flash! Today is the 8th day and man it's been a bit rough. But I managed to go to a concert, GIVE two concerts, go to several parties, see my ex and STILL not drink. I'm making progress so thanks for the support. Yes, that IS my big mouth up there, thankyouverymuch.
Now hear this! An ANNOUNCEMENT:
The Gearjammers Band are performing for an early Halloween party!
This coming Saturday Oct 28th @ The Grandstand!!!
197 Grand St. Croton On Hudson, NY 10520 - (914) 271-8033
Please attend. Costumes recommended but not required. No cover.
Very very proud of you, boy. Good job. The 28th is the day after my birthday! Have a good show.
Love ya.
THAT'S WONDERFUL!! I very much admire your strength. Keep playing. Keep creating. You are going to do even more great things than you already have.
One day I'll surprise the hell out of you and show up at one of your gigs.
One day. SOMEONE has to win the lottery, right?
well done!!! keep up the good work hun. big hugs.
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