The second one is us sitting together after the ceremony. We look joined at the hip. Yay!

I've been smoking Marlboro reds since I was 14 years old; approximately 23 years. I went without them a few years here and there. Inevitably I would start sleeping with a woman who smoked and I'd start back in on the reds. Then she'd be gone and the reds stayed.
So, once again I am trying to give up my favorite mistake. I often say that I have few regrets in life, but that becoming addicted to nicotine is one. If I had one do-over in life that would be high on the list of candidates. The untold thousands of dollars toward compromising my health for no other reason than addiction...UGH!!!!l!
I started at the bus stop in December 1982 waiting (with wet/freezing long hair) when fellow idiot Ed Gaffee (a neighbor) proferred me a Marlboro light saying it would "help keep me warm". Indeed that little flame and the hot smoke in my lungs DID seem to alleviate the cold somewhat. Soon I was a full fledged smoker. Packs of cigarettes were (ready?) 50 cents. Now they are routinely $5-$7 in New York. Yikes! Anyway, Nicoderm CQ patches are helping ease the craving. I haven't had so much as a drag since before my last entry here. I've eased off the beer intake pretty dramatically and have been working out quite a bit. I'm very pleased with my body's new look and feel. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go kick the cat.