Back in November I knew joy. I was in command. In control. Now? Not so much. In this pic I was sure that I had found my place in the world; that we would soon be married and have beautiful children together. I was so sure. I believed. Now? Not so much.
The race team won last night's sailboat race however and that's something. We kicked ass. My regulars will say "Eh, so what? You always win." Not always. Sometimes we get our asses handed to us. Kind of like life.
I recently told my bloggy friend Felicity "Your blog is so depressing! You're always miserable and bitching!" She was shocked. "What?" says she, "But I'm such a happy go lucky person!" Since then she's had a much better bloggy attitude even in the face of adversity. I'm impressed. I need to take my own advice. A musician friend described this as "Your Depressing Blog." Sheesh! Not so much! It's more like "The Blog of a Bi-Polar Bear." When I'm good I'm very very good and when I'm bad I'm horrid. Eh, what-the-fuck fuck fuckity fuck? HHNT.
But you're so damned cute and funny in person!
Humorous, witty, great conversationalist on everything from politics to religion. An incredible wink and an impish grin that left me begging to know exactly what you were thinking about.
All that and you have a depressing blog too! You're wonderful!
Bi Polar Bear? Does that mean you have a hairy ass? Not asking for myself, I'm asking for a friend.
Yeah, sure, right.
Happy HNT.
I hope things get better for you. Just remember that yesterday is gone, tomorrow's not here, and all you have is today. So make the most of it.
Happy HNT
no throwing stones in a glass house!
sounds like the chance to write some pretty kick ass music if you ask me....
hhnt ; )
I often thjnk that my own blog is depressing, but I try to lighten up every once in a while.
I hope everything looks up for you!
Happy HNT, things will come around.
Awww....it'll be OK again... HHNT anyway!!
Hope things pick up!! We are all entitled to have a "depressing blog" once in awhile.....God knows mine has been!! lol
Chin up!!
Things always turn around, don't be depressed. In the meanwhile, I blow you a kiss through cyberspace... flying... flying... smack-landed :)
Happy HNT!
I hope things turn around for you soon. HHNT!
Angst is good art material!
HHNT Andy!
"What the fuck fuck fuckity fuck?"
Andy, you're playing my song!
Happy HNT! Now go burn that picture.
what the fuck fuckity fuck...you sound like me...
Smile... it looks good on you! :)
Out of control? A true captain is never out of control. Drop the jib and furl the mainsail. Get your bearings and hoist all sheets!! =) Oooo..Sailor talk makes me wet. lol. Happy HNT, Andy!
Nice pic!
I fall into this, too. It’s all complain, complain, complain. Yet in person, I am happy.
As I once wrote, “I’m only happy when I’m not.”
I've definitely been where you are. Hope things get better.
I second what Cinders said! Happy HNT!
feel better soon ! HHNT!
It's so awesome that your sailboat won! :) awesome, awesome, awesome.
Relationships are hard man, but when it's right it'll be right. Keep that head up high, and damnit start smiling more :)
Sometimes it's hard to take your own advice. Stay strong :)
Happy HNT!
aww, happiness is not a one-time thing. let it go, and you'll find it soon comes back again in multiple forms. congrats on the win! and happy hnt Andy :).
I understand sadness and loneliness. I do, really I do!
I am sorry for you and for anyone that has to go through it. I do hope the sunshine breaks through!
I just always try to make the best of a situation, and sometimes it is difficult. I try to look for a positive every day, even if it is the smallest of things.
Best wishes sweet man!
Happy HNT!
Congrats on the win! Dating is like riding a bike. You keep falling off until you finally get it right with the right person. Happiness will return one day. HHNT!
Everything is cyclical, you will be happy again. Just hold on, better days are coming.
BTW, I haven't been back here since you saw George Thorogood (going thru a little blue period of my own and don't seem to get out much, but I have done some back reading tonight), I am glad you liked him, I thought you might.
His hard thumpin' rock just touches something inside, doesn't it???
Hope the skies brighten for you soon.
Cheer up chuck! :) HHNT!
belatted HHNT. i thought that last one was your hnt shot but oh well. it' s a twofer. ah yes, if we all took the advice we gave it woudl be a much different world eh?
Here's to happier times, then...both past and future! Cheers...and HVeryBelatedHNT! ;o)
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