Well, last week my van decided that reverse was no longer an option. Fuck! After hemming and hawwing over what to do for a while I decided to lease a new car for a while. I went with 3 years/15,ooo miles a year for $242 a month. I got a Subaru. Several friends have them and everyone swears by them so hopefully it will last. I tried out a rhythm section for the new band I'm putting together. The recording came out mediocre but they were cool so we'll see. I played Sunday night for an empty house which sucked but hey I got paid so WTF? It's hard to get people to come out on a Sunday night! Anyway...that's all I got. I hope you were good while I was away. If not I hope you had fun.
you're new subaru doesn't look like the one inthe picture does it?? lol
I've gotten a little paranoid. I try not to post clear pictures of my face, my car, my house or my loved ones. I've been stalked pretty severely a couple of times so now I'm a little more cautious.
And here I thought that was something that only happened to women!
Subaru! Congrats on the new car! I've also heard those are super great vehicles.
What do you mean by mediocre?
1>recording quality Y N
2>your playing Y N
3>your singing Y N
4>the "cool guys'" Y N
you have been stalked too? I just run em off with some cyber bitch smacking..did you ever pick a band name?
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