Yes, for some reason I have a great urge to purchase this guitar. I find the 70's style head stock very appealing to the eye and the natural finish is gorgeous. Just look! In point of fact there are many good reasons why I should not buy this particular instrument. Shortage of cash being cheif among these but also the $700+ price tag is somewhat steep given that it was, in fact, made in Mexico. It is brand new. There is nothing to suggest it would be superior in any way to the guitar I already spent $700 on some years back and that one is indeed made in America. It's a black 1983 re-issue of a 1956 strat made completely to the original specs. It's a good instrument although the high e string has a tendency to slip off the fret board due in part to my aggressive handling of the thing and in part to my sloppy technique. Like a gorgeous 19 year old with no substance I lust after this music machine. I want to cradle it in my arms and TOUCH it. Fondle it, caress it, stroke it, evoke little cries of joy from it. Ahem. Like the 19 year old though I imagine that it LOOKS a lot better than it actually IS. I still want it though. That is all.
My bass player makes these... and sells 'em...
Here's an example. It's not identical - but it's close; with similar head-stock.
LOL ain't lust grand!
I heard made in mexico guitars were better ... or is that just acoustic....
Oh God, Tragic, I hope that's not true! I beat that bitch like a red haired step child! No just kidding. I'm very gentle with her. Mostly.
haha.. Tragic!!
Andy: Even funnier!
sometimes we just have to let ourselves have what we want... life is short, we deserve some little happinesses along the way, otherwise, what's the point?
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