In light of my recent posts about guitars, agressive handling, and sloppy technique I bring you these shots of my most useful tools. I always thought they were my best feature. Well, maybe 2nd best. I never thought about it before but I have some big paws on me. From the tip of my thumb to the tip of my pinky is half the length of my guitar neck for Pete's sake! That reminds me of something they say about the proportions of one's hands...what was it? Oh well. Anyway HHNT from me and my big paws. Update: I forgot to say we won racing last night (again) and for a change instead of going home and getting obliterated I stayed sober. Hard work.
I think I know what next weeks HNT should be ... foe research purposes only of course!! ;)
there's something very sexy about big strong hands...
Happy HNT!
agressive handling.....
shiver me timbers
You have great hands.
Hands are amazing tools for so very many things.
HHNT sweetie!
mmm a tasty musician!!!
mmm a tasty musician!!!
woohooo! strong hands hmmmm :)
happy hnt babe.
Good strong hands are very important manual stimulation...I'm going to have to stop myself there!
Happy HNT sweetie ;)
aggressive handling? Big hands you say? I am listening to the immigrant song right now..perfect pic to go with that right now...
***HHNT ANDY!!***
i have always loved men's hands. GREAT shots. you really caught the aggressive clench in the first one. and gees, no wonder i play fer shit....i got me a big old gibson and itty bitty girl hands. lol
I think there shouold be some comparative research done..photo research that is. I'm willing to examine the results.
:::swoon::: I love men's hands. Great shots. HHNT!
What nice hands you have!!!
Happy HNT sweetie!
Abandon you? NEVER!!!! I'm coming to see you soon, I hope!! ;-)
Omg....those pics are gorgeous...especially the second one....Yummy.
Very nice. I tried to learn guitar in college, but I spent too much time chasing skirts and getting drunk. And not much has changed. Maybe I made the wrong choice. HA!
Happy HNT
ooooh ooooh ooooh
now who's killin who?
yeah, GREAT feature ;)
did I ever mention that I have a real thing for men's hands? most excellent for HNT, Andy! have a happy. x
I have to agree that is a great feature!
I admire anyone who can play the guitar. I've always wanted to play, but never learned. My bad. I can only blame myself for that one. But it's never too late, is it?
And there ain't nothin' wrong with big paws. From what I hear, womens likes them!
Happy HNT, dude!
Guitar players always have magic fingers. Yummy! Happy HNT!
The first thing I notice about a man...his hands. The second...the look in his eyes when he sees me checking out his hands!
Happy HNT, HANDYT13!
'Fret' not Andy, your hands a lovely!:) HHNT!
Prove it.
HHNT Andy dear!
Big hands=big heart?
Is that it?
God, what a hand!
That's IT!!!!
No, wait...no, I don't think it is. It's cold hands=warm heart.
My hands are almost never cold.
They're hot in fact judging from the response to them around here.
Hmmm. Staying sober is a chore.. :)
How I wish I could play the guitar.
Yeah, what was it that people said about the size of a man's hands?
Anyway - HHNT!!
Mmm … Love the hands!
Now I’m using my imagination.
Love them!!! We could have done a dual post with your's this week and mine from last week!
hey andy I finished your cigar song...you stole my thoughts in the comment section of another blog..
and did we tell you the name of the game BOY???
we call it riding the gravy traaaaiiiiiiinnnnnnnnn
Wow!! You have great hands......I love these pictures!!! Sexy on the guitar!!
Ooooo! Nice long fingers - yum! HHNT!
Nice Man Hands *giggle* I love the sheet music in the background with the guitar and hand. Happy HNT!
Great hands...and as has been mentioned, I'm sure you are very dexterous! In addition to being "gifted" as far as size goes...an excellent combo! ;o)
very delightful looking paws! and thanks for the guitar tips! now if only my kid would return the instrument! HHNT!
Awesome! Now, I copy and pasted the lesson above, but it would be so nice if you were actually here!
Happy HNT!
I was sitting here reading and said to myself, "Self, does he have big hands or did he get out a kids guitar just to take these pictures?" Hmmm, :)
Just kidding, Happy HNT!
And thanks for the lesson!
few things are sexier than a guitar player's hands and the "performance" face. hhnt
my what big hands you have *wink wink*
oh and your post above? #14? i never would have thought of that - it's excellent!
*~*happy hnt*~*
Nice strong hands bet they feel nice
very nice hands....
H Hnt
They'd be an asset for a guitarist or pianist. Nice Fender ya got. HHNT.
I'm a bit envious of the guitar! h, belated hnt, but I thought you took a bit of hnt breather a couple of weeks back...ahhh :D
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