Sunday, April 09, 2006

New beginnings

Ironically (or perhaps unsurprisingly) a year after starting this blog I find myself in nearly the same predicament as when I started. My life is a J.Geils song. Love stinks. Bah. Go Sailing. Saturday I went out on a serious race boat and the conditions were inarguably HORRIBLE. Freezing cold, rain, hail, sleet, you name it. Fucking insane. On the first downwind run the spinnaker (big balloon sail) exploded and it was a panic retrieving the lines and pieces. Then after a particularly hard jibe the fitting that holds the boom to the mast sheared off leaving the boom flailing about dangerously. Another panic to get it lashed down so we can motor in. True craziness. Thank God actually as I was freezing. Anyway I'm in a shitty mood and having a very bad time emotionally but I shall perservere. I'm young, rich, single and good looking. What's not to love? Anyway my boat is coming along nicely so I'll get some relaxing sailing in too I hope.


lime said...

gads, it sounds like a friggin horror out there. hoping for smooth sailing next time and in life too.

Phain said...

{{{hugs}}} hope the shit mood passes...