Wednesday, April 19, 2006
HNT 420!!!!!!
Alas, I have no reefer... anyway I have other news. I'm going to be releasing my first CD since 2003 on CDBABY soon and I profoundly hope that you all will buy it, love it and tell all your friends. Special thanks to the lovely MG for being the first to hear my demo of the newest tune "The HMS Abandoned" and plug it on her blog. Now, back to HNT - I joined a gym last Monday and went 6 times in the last 9 days. In my usual obsessive fashion it is my plan to compulsively go until I am fully and completely fucking DIESEL. I'm pleased with the results so far. I lost 5 pounds since I started. 1800 Calories a day and an hour on the treadmill plus an hour of weight training a day. Bring that shit. I miss the love of my life so bad I can taste her. Come back baby.

Great pic. Congrats on the gym dedication! That's fantastic. Doesn't it just feel amazing?!?!?!?!?
Happy HNT Andy!
wow! good for you! u inspired me to go back and do MY work out...i admit, i gained a few pounds myself! :)
nice tunes!!!congrats!!! i'll tell my friends about it!!! :)
Very nice :) HHNT!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh baby... my heart just hurts when you say "come back".......
Btw - you are looking great.
Love the line those jeans create....
looking fine now but hats off to you for self improvement. trying to catch up on blogs since i was gone. loved you r comments on chivalry too. i tend to agree with you.
Keep it up Andy and you'll soon have those jeans falling off ya!
Happy HNT ;)
I see some belly hair.. trimmed?
Never. Furry forever.
Any chance you'll post the tune here?
HHNT... great shot!
Yay!! the gym rocks. I'll watch this space for the amazing transformation.
thanks for the visit!! HHNT!
HHNT! Wish I had your drive. Good luck!
Looking good...keep us posted on the progress. HHNT!
Furry forever. :) You look good. :) Happy HNT!
Wahooooooo..love the gym and the gym loves me...and you for sure:)
Yay Andy, go get em guy! Congrats on the songs and the gym thing too! HHNT
Very nice!
Happy HNT
Happy HNT to US!!!
you look'in good :)
Woo hoo! You GO, boy! I admire anyone with that kind of dedication.
Happy HNT!!!!
Looking good. Happy HNT!!
Now there's a manly man.
so far, so good! HHNT.
Check out those pipes!!
Very nice!!!
Happy HNT & love the song too! I'm listening to it as I post.
You've got a great voice.. real talent :)
Go Andy!
Happy HNT!
Nice! Congrats on the CD!!
Grrr, great pic. Congrats on the training.
I'm so damn confused....
I know I came here this morning and looked at this... but I didnt' comment? WTF??
must have been your dashing good looks and that sexy pose that got to me
andy shame on you... with out a bra ;-)
okay now you are art !!!
fabulous picture!
good on ya babe. i'll listen to below later- not working now as bad connection i guess.
happy hnt babe* and good luck with missing your baby.. we all know that one* ouch.
Watch out for Henri Banks folks. He packs a mean photoshop.
Looking good!!!
Happy HNT!:)
I'm impressed, furry!
Rock on!
Happy HNT!
Go on with your bad self, strong man! You should post a series of these to show off your progress. -(this is how I con men into showing me their chests repeatedly. Smooth, huh?)
Awwwwoooooo! Nice job with the gym! Happy HNT, Andy!
Looking good!!! Keep up the great work.
Happy HNT!!!
wow. A gym... I thought those things were only rumors... great job, dude. I'll check out your tune too - great job on the release! I know just how much work it takes to even do SIMPLE recording work... I mean, look how long it's taking me just to get a couple songs of my own on my band's myspace page.
well hell-o .... looking good Andy!!
Most beautiful biceps, well worth the work I must say. HHNT!
Hey, you're lookin good there! Gym's paying off. Cheers and Happy HNT!
Looking really good! Keep up the good work!
Good luck with your cd.
Happy HNT!
I can't believe I didn't realize that today was 420. I am officially an old fart. I downloaded your song, sounds great!
Kick ASS! That is awesome! Congratulations!
Damn! You're lookin' mighty good there... Andy Eye Candy :)
Congrats on the CD!! That is pretty fuckin' cool!! I will buy one - let me know when it's released!!
If you love someone let them go and if they come back they will be yours forever and if they don't they never were... or some shit like that...She so doesn't deserve you!!!
xoxo NotBlair
Congrats on the CD and the new workout regimen - looks like it's working nicely! Happy HNT!
off to an excellent start I would say
oh Yummy! Nice shot ~
Congrats on the CD too!
happy belated hnt.
Hooray for gyming it!!
Best of luck w/the CD!
Sorry it's taken me a week to make my HNE rounds...
Happy Belated HNT & Easter! =)
Congrats on the gym commitment...I'm working on the same thing but can't say I get there six times in nine days! Impressive. Happy HNT
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