Here's an
interesting article on
Chivalry and the death thereof. Basically 80% of men on the titanic perished while 74% of the women survived because the men willingly gave up their seats to the women and children. It goes on to discuss how that's not the case anymore. I consider myself chilvalrous. I routinely offer my seat on any crowded train to a woman, hold doors, etc... ironically they usually refuse and look at me like I'm a psycho. I guess this is just how I was raised. I don't know. It wouldn't occur to me not to do so and it disgusts me when I see men behaving ungallantly. I must admit I laughed at the guy who said "What, you want the right to vote and my seat too? Sorry." I think women should certainly have equal rights but I sometimes think that feminism as an ideology has done more harm than good for women. They get all the downers of being a man but none of the benefits they used to get for being women. Just an observation. No need to fire up the blow torches and pliers.
I'm sorry, but I am NOT giving up my seat on a raft if my ship is sinking!
DIAFB! :-)
Believe it B-to-tha-3. You could try to take her seat but you still wouldn't survive the experience.
Yeah, I agree...we kinda screwed ourselves when all that "equal rights" stuff came along. (Although most of that "equal rights" stuff was done before I was born...;)
I'm all about burning my bra, though.
Damn underwire..
Me too! Free the twins!
I'm too bitter to post anything nice today. So this is just to let you know I still read here regularly.
I love when men hold doors open for me. I guess I'm a little bit old fashioned that way. I don't think chivalry is something that should ever go out of style!!!
Andy my dear, you are a true prince! Sorry I have been away for a while, have been dealing with some demons and I just filed my tax extension tonight! Ah, a little breather.
I definitely don't want to do away with chivalry. I want it ALL!!!
I am a Prince! A Prince of Lies and Darkness! All shall fear me and despair!!!!!! Er...Ahem...
What I mean is Thank you NotBlair.
You're a princess yourself and I mean that in the most gallant and chivalrous way!
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