Alright. Usually I try to keep a good attitude. There will always be someone better than you. There will always be someone worse than you. There will always be luckier and unluckier people. Better looking and worse looking, etc...
But God Dammit. I'm fucking jealous.
Here's a guy, he's a little younger than I but not so different. Similar backgrounds. He went to a little college I used to hang out at. I got in but didn't have the money to go. I used to hang there with my crazy friends and do lots of drugs because that's what you did at an "alternative college". He had a heroin habit (something I never had - alcohol is my demon) and STILL managed to be a better musician, poet, and songwriter than me based on the fact that he's been signed TWICE. Once with Soul Coughing, a great band with a terrible name. They wer more creative on their worst day than I was at my best. He quit them, got straight and toured on his own and managed to get signed to Dave Mathews' label ATO and now is touring fucking stadiums with Bare Naked Ladies. What the fuck? What am I doing wrong? He's younger, smarter, luckier, more talented and better looking than I am, sure but I mean BESIDES THAT? Fucker. OK, that's it for today. 29 fucking sober days. Fuck me running. Trent Reznor is another one. Or how about Curt Cobain? How come everyone who makes it is/was a junkie? Gah!!!!! You can dig my nemesis' brilliance at www.mikedoughty.com
his eyes are too close together. like i wana knock on the side of his head to widen them a little.
does that help?
seriously, i looked again. the guys eyes just friggin creep me out...
He has a similar sound to a local band hers from Ottawa (well - used to be they broke up in 2003) called The Barstool Prophets.
Look'em Up.
Here* not hers!!
geez.. can't type lately!
Judging by his picture, even he looks shocked about it all.
Don't be so hard on yourself. Sometimes real talent takes a little longer to be discovered.
I think you're cute. ;)
Keep plugging,my love!!! You're actually doing great; how many people even have a chance to play live on stage??? Some people never even get that far because they're too afraid to try for success; I've been stuck there a little bit myself but have decided that my art deserves my attention, and the peace of my soul depends on me being a whole lot more dedicated to my artistic pursuits. And, cuter than you??? I think not!!!!
eh, maybe this explains that cheery email you sent me yesterday.
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