Yes, I'm pretty happy about that. Lots of good things coming about as a result.
Let's recap (in no special order):
Down 10 lbs to a respectable 175 lbs. Approximate savings: $450. My family, friends & loved ones are VERY happy since they knew how bad it was. My playing is vastly improved due to lots more (sober) practice. Motivation up, depression down. Overall attitude: good. Wow! Last night a 'friend' was heard to say "You've been in a vile mood since you quit drinking. Maybe you should start drinking again." Another friend overhearing this immediately jumped in and said "NO! Don't do that!" If there was ever any doubt I now know who my real friends are. Fortunately I dealt with that in what I think was a mature way. I basically said "When I was drinking I just didn't give a shit. Now I actually care so I get more upset more easily." I think that's both true and reasonable. I did yell at someone who didn't deserve it and I have since apologized. I was up at 7AM today ready to face my day with a smile. Who the hell am I? Today's plan: Work, meeting, gym, home, practice. I went to an open jam last night and had fun. Maybe I'll find another one tonight! ROCK THE HELL ON!
I am so happy for you! That is great!
you are damn right about the two reactions being a fine example of who your true friends are. wow!
as someone i know was heard to say....
rocketh thee on with thy fine self!
congrats on 30 days!
You are awesome, Andy!!! I am so proud of you.
In your post - "You've been in a vile mood since you quit drinking. Maybe you should start drinking again." That really pissed me off. You're right, that's not a friend, not even a person but a fucking jerk. An EX-FRIEND of mine had said that to me when I winged myself off of Vicodin. Those are the people who have no common sense at all.
Good for you, Andy. I am so proud of you!!! Keep up the good work - being sober means cherishing every waking moment of your life.
Rock the hell on, dude!! Good job!!
Hey Andy
It's funny how many people are taking anti-depressants these days...and drinking...doesn't it make more sense to quit taking "the depressants"...
This is one uplifting report. When I come to NY, I will personally bitch-slap the "friend" that ragged you to drink.
Your welcome.
You should be very proud of yourself. I am glad you are seeing the positives.
Good for you Andy! Keep up the good work.
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