Look! Out on the beach! It's a freak! No! It's a tweaker! No! It's...Half-Nekkid Man! Faster than a speeding double mocha skim latte! More powerful than a steaming local barrista! Able to leap short Brenda's in a single bound...Half-Nekkid Man! Dedicated to sex, beer and smokables of all kinds...What? That IS the American Way! Thanks for your kind words of congratulations on my success at finishing the novel for www.nanowrimo.org - I'm going to the "Thank God It's Over" party tonight but frankly I'm not really glad it's over. I want to do it all again and I don't want to wait until next November. First I need to find an agent and get published though. That is the next task. I feel confident someone will buy this thing. Donations are accepted. :-) Email me or leave me a comment with your email if you want a copy. Be forewarned though: LOTS of sex and violence. There's a articularly brutal scene towrds the end that even grossed ME out. Pax.
Nice flex...I love the flowing hair under the cap, beach scenes always looks so damn soft, subtle and relaxing, but geesh, the wind's always blowing so hard it's not exactly the scene...anyway... happy HNT
You go perfectly with my morning coffee.
LOL Very nice, Sugar.
Happy HNT!
Im all a flutter. ;-) HHNT!!
awesome pic...i long for the beach! happy hnt
What a wondeful large hard muscle you have there my dear.....
Happy HNT
Is strong like a bull akin to hung like a horse?? Just wondering.
Happy HNT
Sex! Violence! Gross outs! I am so there.
Happy HNT, Andy!
can I have my sex and violence without the gross?
just checking, love the beach shot!
Happy HNT
Love the pic. :)
Very sexy and cute picture!! Congrats on Nanowrimo!!
Happy Hnt
we all have much respect for you. Now I have to follow in your footsteps.
good for you for finishing!!!
and, nice half-nekkidness!
Ahhhhh, a nice warm beach would be so great right about now! Congrats on finishing your story! Can we read it?
Nice muscles, by the way. Love love love strong arms!
Thanks one and all my bloggy peeps.
I think I sent everyone thier copy of the mighty novel. If you want one feel free to email and I'll send right out. I guess I really AM a whore! Like little shop of horros "Read me! READ ME!!!!"
Oh wait, that was 'feed me.'
"You wanna make it hard on me." -TP
Happy hnt.
I love the male arms! ummmm! Happy HNT!
I got your novel, and I'm really looking forward to it. I figure if I can handle Haunted, by Chuck Palahniuk, I can handle whatever you got coming my way!
BTW what does AndyT13 mean?
happy HNT :-) now I'm missing summer even more!
Love the title! You didn't go kicking sand in people's eyes, did you? Happy HNT!
"There's a articularly brutal scene towrds the end..." LOL! Think you're going to have to work on your spelling before you find a publisher! Conratulations on finishing your novel and belated HHNT!
LOL! I spelt 'congratulations' wrong! (on purpose, of course!)
great shot and congradulations on the 50! I only made it to 3212. It was fun though!
Happy HNT!
Looking quite good there.
Happy HNT.
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