Friday, December 02, 2005

Arrr, Pussy and Rum! A Pirate's Dream!

Arrr! This be NOT what I meant! Belay that feline! OK, I ganked this picture from last year's "Thank God It's Over party" photos that were posted on I didn't attend THAT party since I didn't know about it then, but last night we all went out to San Marcos on St. Mark's Place in NYC and Thanked God It was Over. There were some nice folks though I'm amazed at all the people who didn't finish. I started 10 days late and STILL I finished. Whatever.
Of the 60,000 people who tried about 10,000 people made it to 50,000 words. I didn't stay long. My friends Seth and Gina came out and after about two beers we were like "OK we're bored." So we grabbed Brenda and went to see a band at Otto's on 14th st. Then we went up to Seth's for a little jamming. Finally, when it was time to go home Bren pulled me into a corner of the stairwell and...well you can figure it out. HOT! I mean she is JUST SO FUCKING HOT!!!!!!!


ell said...

staircase lovin' . . . nothing like it!!!

Bougie Black Boy said...

i can't believe you were in the city and didn't tell me!

Bougie Black Boy said...

i can't believe you were in the city and didn't tell me!