Here I am playing Christmas songs by the Christmas tree at a party in Queens Saturday night. Some friend of Brenda's had about 30 people in a teeny tiny apartment. It was about 100 degrees in there but we had fun anyway. I sounded pretty good in spite of being about 8 beers into the XXXmas spirit. People were singing along and digging it so I guess 'twarn't too bad. Ninety three hours to my flight to VA. Can't wait.
Hey hotstuff!
Just checkin out the blog! Ah...to be lucky in love!
I don't know about you, but I hate the 80-100 degrees at Christmas. Yours was probably not due to the weather outside being as if the sun was kissing you hello, but lately here in the CA it's been like 80. With wind. So it feels like August.
But anyway, glad to see you can have the guitar fun even in the hot.
Have fun in VA!
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