Thursday, December 22, 2005

Missing Comments and HNT

Seems I enabled comment moderation. I don't recall doing so but you never know with me. Anyway something is busted. A few people emailed me to say "Hey I commented but I'm getting a message about how they're moderated now!" That's news to me because there's nothing on the moderate comments page. Methinks blogger is focked. Anyway, for HNT we supposed to write what we'd give our three favorite bloggers. Therefore Laurie gets a sunny day to ride her motorcycle, Lori gets more time to do all the stuff she likes, and Gigi gets a bodybuilder to f*ck her all night long every night for a month. That should do it! Happy HNT.


Wenchy said...

That is such an awesome view. :)

Merry Christmas.

ZooooM said...

I commented on your guitar picture, and it doesn't seem to be there. And I didn't use any naughty words!

Anyway, just know that even if I don't have time to leave a comment, or if I do and it gets erased, I'm still here reading and lauging. I try to check in on everyone daily. If I can.

Just Brian said...

Great pic. Happy HNT. Some nice thoughtful gifts.

Bella said...

Happy HNT! I gave you a sweet present! ;)

Beth said...

Nice shot, Sugar! Happy HNT!

Blondie... said...

What an awesome picture and what generous gifts!! hehe

Happy HNT & Holidays Andy!!

Blogger said...

you are definitely kind!

Robin said...

I want Gigi's leftovers, k?