Here's my "Word Cloud". This little proggie analyzes your blog and displays the most common words by size. You can tweak it some though I didn't.

Click here to Git yer own Thanks to Spinning girl! for love, support and the linky! I wish her many more happy sober years. Happy/Merry to Lori at This Just In. I wish her sone to come back from Iraq safe and sound. Finally, cheers to Madam X for shouting me out. I was her first commenter as she's been a good friend. She's gotten me in trouble more times than not just by being herself and associating with me. I forgive her and wish her all the dirty s e x she wants.
HNT y'all!
i notice the big print says....'andyt good people' yeah, you's good people....
Nice big...anchor.
I did that cloud thing, and the words "fuck" "fucking" "fucker" did NOT come up. Fuck. I have to punch up my blog a bit, to make cool clouds.
Thanks for your well-wishes. Love ya, merry merry right back.
Great post! You should feel pretty proud of yourself!
Happy Holidays!
Andy, you deserve a good pat on the back. What you have achieved is truely something to be proud of.
Happy Christmas HNT sweetie ;)
Heh, is that an anchor in your pocket or are you just happy to see me!
Cute! Yippee that you’re back …
Happy Holidays!!!!!
Happy HNT, welcome back and here's wishing you many great gigs with the band in the New Year!
HHNT!! Thanks for the sweet comments and Merry Christmas too =)
Merry Christmas!
Nice big anchor.
Nice big F word in your cloud.
Nice big booze-free life!
Have a wonderful holiday season and remember to always ask about the punch. :)
All the good things, and a big ol' smooch,
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