Ladeeeees aaaaaand Gentlemaaaaaan!!! The Gearjammers Band is performing live! Saturday Night February 24th at The Striped Bass Restaurant in Tarrytown NY www.stripedbassny.com Show starts at 9PM - NO COVER
Striped Bass Restaurant 236 W. Main Street at the Tarrytown Boat Club Great Seafood Dining on the Hudson River in Westchester County Tarrytown, New York (914) 366-4455
Featuring an all new rhythm section!
The mighty Ric LuBell from Not Dead Yet on Bass!
The astonishing Pete Roan from Gravity Krush on Drums!
Come! See!
Wish I could be there! Knock 'em dead, kid.
Hope you guys are gigging when I'm up there in July.
Well... One day... I'll be there.... you better be ready for me... ;-)))
Have a good week end, Andy!
dammit and here i sit all by myself on a friday night....all three kids and the hubby gone....damn damn damn.
well hope the gig goes well.
striped bass is yummy
I was thinking about you last night. I hope the show went well, Babe!
Hope the gig went awesomely well!!! One of these days I'll get to see you play again!
I love Tarrytown. I'll check to see if I have plans that day...seeing your band would be great fun.
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