Here I am in st the jacuzzi at the top of the Omni Hotel overlooking beautiful downtown Austin wearing the famous Os Shirt and feeling like the king of all I survey! The Marriott hotel down below was clearly all back of the bus and shit. I'm gonna cry when the bill comes due but all in all the mighty Spitfire showed me a helluva good time. Awesome bands left, right and center, 5 star hotel, Tequila and Tecate flowing freely, old friends and new....all wonderful and SO worthwhile. Time to sober up and get with the program now. There's work to be done! The band's website needs a complete overhaul and there's mailing lists to edit and send out, more gigs to hunt down...just another shitty day in the life of a wanna-be rock star. It may be lonely at the top but it could be worse. Oh yeah, Randy Newman rocked that stride piano something fearsome. I sang in Carnegie hall! OK the whole crowd sang but still... Rock on! HHNT y'all!
Too cool! HHNT :)
looks and sounds like a grand time Andy!
Happy HNT!
Glad you and OsShirt had fun! Though I'm just a tad jealous...
Deep in the heart of...Happy HNT! You and the shirt did it up right!
You certainly look like the king of the hill!
Happy HNT!
Andy, it sounds like you had a great time living it up!
Happy HNT sweetie ;)
great shot. who's da king of all he surveys? you da king! and that shirt is your robe i think, teehee. glad you had a ball. welcome home.
I remember taking that shot...Marriot all back of the bus and shit...Hyatt all Short Bus, and the empty Hilton....
That's Hot.
and the king has a hot tub?? Ok..so when do I get the invite into it? hehe
HHNT.....you got the Os shirt...I am so jealous!! ;)
oh, very cool with the Os shirt & all. sounds like a great time was had, for sure. happy hnt Andy! x
Great shot and sounds like a fun vacation. Happy HNT!
So jealous!
There's rarely a bad time when a hot tub is involved. But when there is, it's really bad. So I'm glad your's was good.
I'm glad you're back and that you had a good time!!! Lucky Spitfire that she got hang out with ya!! Someday maybe our paths will cross again. I'm glad all with the band is going well. Keep rockin'!
you look good in os's shirt, makes me want it (more) :)
Glad you had a good time.
Sounds like you had a blast! I am sure it was worth it. There is the shirt!
Sounds like you had a really good time! I would love to see Randy Newman!
Remember my Leave you Hat On HNT?
Wow you got to meet spitfire! SO wheres the meeting pics! This is blogger news! Must be documented!
Man I have GOT to get me one of those Os shirts!
I can't wait till I get to meet some of my blogger buddies too!
That lucky shirt.. it gets to do all the fun things huh?
hehe HHNT babe... Too sexy. =)
Woo Hoo! Drunken rock and roll and the Os shirt to boot. Sounds like a great time. Happy HNT!
If only I could live each day of my life in a hotel! hehe Nice shot and nice job on top of Omni! ;)
Cute! And yes, keep the bad-boy image, by all means. Not like you could get rid of it very easily, anyway …
Where's the HN pics from IN the Jacuzzi?
Happy HNT!
Look at you handsome guy in the Os shirt!
Happy HNT!
i"m coming to NYC for thanksgiving. I need the OS shirt!
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