Monday, October 02, 2006

Monday dullness

I will not blog about my breakfast. OK, I didn't eat breakfast this AM but for heaven's sake people if you don't have anything interesting to say STFU and GBTW!
Anyway I'm feeling dull and boring today. I have a bunch of long assed "all about me and my stupid answers to even dumber questions" style memes none of which I want to post. Who cares? Pfft! Weekend recap for fuure reference: Saturday night I played a big assed party in the city and it was a very good time. One of my friends said "Dude, THIS is your LIFE? Jamming for hordes of apprciative fans and hot girls? Hello?!?! You should be PSYCHED!" OK, so I'm a whiner. Sue me. I also got a bunch of really cool clothes at a jumble sale. $4 a bag full! Woot! I was supposed to play two other gigs that night but missed them both. Fuck it. I wasn't being paid for any of them and I'm getting more picky about being paid to play. For the big party I wanted to be at it was worth it for the free food and beer. The others not so much. Sunday I was low key and rehearsed quietly and bonded some with my bass player while the drummer is out in Nashville. 72 hours hence I'll be in a plane to Texas! WOOT! WOOT!


lime said...

that breakfast looks yummy! i want it for lunch but i just took a vicodin and hence have zero friggin interest in cooking.

oh comeone gank the long ass all about me meme and give me some stupid answers. you see how seriously i take them....

hope that trip to texas is great. any room for stowawys? i won't trip the metal detectors any more.

lime said...

lol, no offense taken hon. dodge the intimate stuff with something snide. ;)

wordslut said...

I had a scrambled egg, chicken-apple sausage and an English muffin …

Oh, you meant you didn’t want to know what I had for breakfast? Damn!

Unknown said...

yay ANDY!! you made me smile big with your clickthrough...those men have stuck with me through thick and thin, and there you were...the one who clicked..

YOU ROCK...get yer ass here.

ALRO said...

i'd love to go to Texas with ya bub!

Anonymous said...

You can have the fork, and I'll have the knife. It looks good.

Hang on...can we swap?

Oh, come on!


Sod it, I'll use my fingers. :)