Da Count: A good friend came over last night and made me eat something and drank some of my beer. That was a big help. I'm battling some pretty severe depression right now and it's hard to function on any basic level at all. Things like eating seem unimportant. All I can do is play Ursula (my strat) and drink myself unconcious over lost love and love too far away. So, today's count is to be thanksful for good friends who listen and love me through my self destructive bullshit. Notable bloggers in this category are GnightGirl and Lime. Spitfire gets props too but for a different reason. If you can't beat 'em join 'em!
Now for FOAD Friday: I don't usually start shit or inject (or even acknowledge) negativity on here but a certain scumbag who doesn't deserve a link is fucking with one of my friends so this one's for you, you chickenshit drama queen wanna-be cocksucking piece of living human excrement. Die in a Fire. If I could get my hands on you? You'd look awful funny trying to eat corn on the cob with no fuckin teeth, you fuck. Matter of fact, I got some shotgun shells for you right here. That is all. Tonight? Tonight WE PLAY!
Andy, I know those moods to, bud! Without friends it wouldn't pass. Here's to friends and a damn good count... despite how you are feeling you had the courage to count. That's big!
awww hon, i'm touched. big hugs to you. you've listened to a bit of my whining too and for that i thank you. you've also encouraged me, hhmm the word seems too weak...commanded?...with my wrist and the guitar tremendously.
like lecram said, you chose to count even though ya feel lower than whale dung. i truly believe if you are willing to discipline yourself that way it bodes well. don't give up....
Aww thank you! I am glad someone drank some of your beer!
shot guns shell, heh..heh heh.
That picture rocks!
!!cough, cough!! someone seems to be MISSING from your Count list...
I'm sorry things are on the downswing for you, but I'm glad people are there to help you through. Insensitive as it is for me to say this, maybe try to focus on writing some songs in these times? Your music seems to bring you as close to the happy place as anything else does for now?
I hope ya feel better soon. It's good that you have an outlet in your music. My art is usually the only thing that can take my mind off the rest of the world. I'm sending lots of love your way!
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