The Brain Lateralization Test ganked from my genius photographer buddy Henri Banks. Measures which side of your brain (Creative Right Brain or Logical Left Brain) is dominant. Right Brain 78% Left Brain 18% This should also come as a surprise to no one. Take the quiz.
What horrible Edward Gorey death will I die?

You will drink too much gin. Not the worst way to die, but you won't remember too much of your life. Hey, at least you made some people laugh!
What a surprise. Here, take the quiz.
6612 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 191109 times.
3% of people had this result.
Blog on people, blog on.
Hmmm and i thought i am brain dead ..... I AM ALIVE LETS ROCK & ROll!!!!
Right Brain 80%
Left Brain 32%
Uhm, yeah, another big surprise.
And maybe me & Solitaire are related? Cause I got sucked dry by a leech, too, dammit. :-((
Listen girls, if you two are going to call me a leech I'm going to stop using my world famous oral skills on you both, OK? So just quit it.
And Henri? I AM rock and roll.
These dang quizs!!! I am addicted! How can I be 50% right and 56% left?
Please, don't ever stop using the oral skills on me. I won't call you a leech again, if you don't make me publicly beg for it.
lol, i too will be sucked dry by a leech. mwahahaha as for my braina i am 46 % left and 46% right. whaddya know...
OK, Andy, I'm 24% Right and 76% Left. Pretty much your direct opposite! lol
Oh, and this is great, I'm going to be smothered under a rug. Now that's something to look forward to! Can I have some of your Gin, Andy?
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