Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Your little princess is my little whore

Your little princess is my little whore
She can't hurt me anymore
This post is actually about the expression "anymore". There is a new and, to my mind incorrect and therefore evil, usage of this term in the land. I've been hearing people use this term more and more like so: "My car is useless anymore." This strikes me as a double negative. The proper expression would be "My car is of no use anymore." or "I can't use my car anymore." Am I the only one hearing this? Or, if you're hearing it too, does it sound as weird (and by weird I mean wrong and ignorant) to you as it does to me? It's hard for me to even formulate incorrect usages like this. They sound to me like "I'm always hungry anymore." What?!?! Any other cunning linguists out there noticing this abomination?


Anonymous said...

Reminds me of recent history when a lot of people (here on LI anyway) used to end all thier sentences with "but," even when there WASN'T a "but."
It's kind of an abomination I suppose but the language evolves and people like to play with it, y'know?

The Melody Censor said...

I've not heard this usage of anymore until now, but I found it difficult to even read. I found myself correcting the sentences in my brain...hmmm.

.- said...

OH YEAH! ---
I have heard people, I mean folks, say it - but it always seemed to be someone who lived or grew up - let's say ... not near a
new yorkers trying to hickafy themselves?
see how easy it is to make up a word?
they be tryin' to hickafy

Elaine Denning said...

I think it's a punctuation mistake.

I'm always hungry. Anymore?


Aaaaaaargh! I know what you mean!

lime said...

well, it's like really getting on my nerves anymore. oh and another gripe of mine is when someone pluralizes you.....waitress: 'yous guys needs anything?' aaaaaack!!!

MG said...

you know, I had not thought about it much, but now that you mention it YEAH, I HAVE heard that used like that. Hmmm... I think the fact that this bothers you actually makes you a little hotter, lol... :)

CozyMama said...

nasty pic...

Green Eyes said...

I have yet to hear that one, but I correct people's grammar all the time. I blame my mother for this!

AndyT13 said...

It's actually very bad form to correct people's grammer especially in public. They don't appreciate it and you look like a jerk. Better to let them make fools of themselves.

CyberWarlock said...

I was actually just having this conversation with a friend of mine the other day at her, and other people's, improper use of "anymore".

AndyT13 said...

Good. I'm glad I'm not the only one! :-)