Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Seventh Son

Completely random Tuesday shit. We were playing Seventh Son when our bass player Rob "The G-Spot" Michael said "I'm a Seventh Son." We were amazed. Props to his dad. Seven sons? Yeesh! I posted some tracks from our last session below. The overall sound quality is better but the playing isn't as inspired as last week. Mostly it was me. We had some tempo issues but my soloing was inexcusably bad in spots. Some judicious editing made it less painful but I can't help but make a face. It was very humid and my guitar wasn't staying in tune very well. Meh. We've recorded 21 tunes so far. Surely 3 or 4 of them will make a suitable demo? Oh yeah! The drummer had his way with the cover photo up above. What do you think of the results?
Goin' down - Feel So Sorry - Lookin Back At Me - That ain't right - Leave Your Hat On - Seventh Son That's Rob singing on Goin' Down and Lookin' Back. Ciao bellas y bellos.


ZooooM said...

Seven sons? Good lord. He's a boy making machine!

I'm really glad you are out there doing your thing. Even if you aren't exactly happy with the product yet. It's the process, right? (I have no clue how music is made - just spouting off like a woman has a right to when she knows nothing.)

Green Eyes said...

lol at Zoooom.

I think the cover photo looks great!

*saying a prayer for Rob's Mom*

Unknown said...

Andy, LOL, so glad you liked it darling!


Unknown said...

cool cover too!!! fuggin blogger made my comment go through on it's own....

Andy makes Spitfire grin.

Bella said...

I love that album cover; it's great!

I have those "out of tune" days even though I don't play an instrument, yet. It sounds like you're moving along! Have fun. ;)

lime said...

it's a toss up between '7th son' and 'that ain't right' for being my favorite. love em both. as for the album cover, hhmm.....i know the original pic a few posts down needed some tuning up but this looks a little too monkeyed with. some sort of happy medium is needed.