Friday, September 15, 2006

The Mouth

My drummer wanted a pic of me with this old mic. I was soaked in sweat from playing and generally wiped out so I wasn't too hopeful but actually it looks pretty good if I say so myself!
Now for FOAD Friday - Girls claim they want this:

But you know what? When they get it they aren't happy. I see it all the time: Beautiful women with abusive guys. Men who lie, cheat, treat their women like shit get the hottest girls. What's up with that?


Green Eyes said...

OK, I for one, don't want a guy with most of those attributes. And no abusive guy here, so does that make me unbeautiful? Hmmm....

Like the picture above too! Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

hmmm I don't want an asshole!

Anonymous said...

Abusive? No thanks. I am not perfect, but know that I derserve a guy, who at least does half the things listed in your post. Something tells me that you would do even more for the girl you love. Keep at it! You will find her.

Have a lovely weekend

lime said...

that's a very cool pic. i like it.

the whole guy thing...there's so much to say...i don't even know where to start.

Anonymous said...

"Men who lie, cheat, treat their women like shit get the hottest girls."
You should know.

AndyT13 said...

Anonymous makes my point for me. Clearly a woman scorned, lied, cheated on, treated like shit and STILL she stalks my blog! Why do you suppose that is? What does she seek? I'll tell you one thing: I bet she's hot.

Or perhaps it's someone intent on disparaging my character for some other reasons? Who knows? And furthermore who cares? Vaya con Dios.

Blondage said...

Love the pic.

I've been guilty of loving someone who treated me like shit. I wish I could tell ya why. Maybe it has something to do with wanting the unattainable.