Better than any rant I could ever have possibly come up with. OK, so you're all here for HNT.
Since I use this as an opportunity to plug my various projects to people too far away to enjoy them (except Susie and Bougie who both bought CDs!) I will tell you that the next two gigs are Oct 13th and Oct 28th. Also a private party I don't know the date of. If the IRS didn't stalk my blog I'd tell you how much money we were making but since they are we aren't making one red cent. Really. And now without further ado I present you this week's HNT offering. Enjoy!

Me and my beloved Fender Stratocaster guitar "Ursula". Don't ask me where the name came from. It came to me last night as I was practicing. "What's your name beautiful?" I asked. I was surprised when she said Ursula. The only other one I know is Ursula K LeGuin an author famous for her fantasy series of The Dragon Riders of Pern. I enjoyed her books but haven't read them in years. So I gather my guitar has just been being cagey about her name all these years. She's a 1986 re-issue of the 1956 model. At 30 years old she's starting to show her age but aren't we all? I still find her beautiful though and I'm at my most naked when I let her talk for me. She communicates in ways that I can't with words. Look at how she lets me spread her strings for you! The brazenly wonton harlot! How I love her. So there you have it. HHNT!
What is it about a man holding a guitar that is so sexy?? :) Love this picture!
Ursula is a lovely name. I know a little French girl named Ursule....
(urr sooool)
Thanks for the shout out.....your guitar is beautiful, Andy!
Dont feel bad, I have a little shop in town, and Im not making any money either...IRS come and get me!
Nice wood. :)
Happy HNT!
Very hot!
And Ursula ain't bad either.
We Abandon Ship next week!
Woooo Hooooo!
Ursula is cool...does she make you give up yer voice though?
And she is on crack?
Ursula looks sexy, so do you. Happy HNT!
she looks like an Ursula. happy hnt, Andy! x
Sweet! (Although it’s not very nekkid, now, is it?)
Ursula's a hussy. Not that there's anything wrong with that ;)
The song was hilarious. HHNT!
well i'm glad it's not ursula the dippy waitress from mad about you. or ursula, george of the jungle's gf.
ursula, i like it. good name. and she is a beaut.
AWESOME post, andy. youand ursula rock!
great pic, loved the description.
as always, love the hat ;)
HHNT sexy.
Hubba Hubba
Hey, I read all of those Dragonriders of Pern books wayyyyyy back when. Loved them!
There is the bond girl Ursula Andress, I think she was in Licensed To Kill.
I love this shot of you Andy, you look so laid back.
Happy HNT Sweetie ;)
Great shot!
Ursula is some lady!
Happy HNT!
excellent photo! Happy HNT!
Lovely guitar, you make beautiful music together. Happy HNT!
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