Thursday, September 07, 2006

Crack Kills HNT

In spite of myself and my cynicism about such things I'm really excited about the band. I always wanted to make a blues record and this is a nice start. It's weird listening back to this stuff. I'm thinking "That's me? How the hell am I doing that? What the hell am I doing?" It's all first take improvisation. I'm scared I'll freeze next time we play, or worse, live. In spite of the flaws I think this makes for a decent demo. I really like the instrumental "Brennie". Listen:
Boot Hill - Texas Flood - Come On - Chitlins Con Carne - Empty Arms - Sky Is Cryin - Willie The Wimp - Brennie - Me and The Gearjammers thank you. BTW they are in no way affiliated with my lily white Irish ass. We're on our own recognizance here.


Ag said...

Lucky Love


Phain said...

LOL - "just say no!"

*~*happy hnt*~*

Stealth said... your friends are on crack member?

Andy, that kidn of crack keeps me going..good form, good form

The Persian said...

HA!!! too funny buddy, Happy HNT :)

lime said...

dude, i love the tie dye! i'm tempted to make a comment (crack) about how does the withdrawal from that kinda crack go....but i'll behave. mwahahaha. nice shot, andy.


Michelle said...

lol Crack kills HNT>..hehe Too funny!

This is a great picture!


Anonymous said...

Hi Andy. I, for one, love crack ;)

By the way, I'm back.

Suze said...

Woo hoo! Andy I'm going in for a...*spank*

Lovely tan lines.

Happy HNT sweetie ;)

Madame X said...

I guess it's half nekkid cuz the hat?

Anonymous said...

ooo, man-bum, excellent! and as someone else has said, what gorgeous hair you have.

thanks for sharing the music tracks below, I'll be checking them out!

happy hnt Andy :). x

MG said...

nice. but I can't quit thinking how much I'd love to put my hands in your hair...


Sexy Duet said...

Ok, I am addicted. Great shot and I like the band name. Happy HNT!!


Rebecca said...

Oh. My. God. I so want to grab that ass........

I do I do.


Princess PinkLady said...

Love it. Very nice, as always :) Happy HNT!

Philip said...

Friends don't let friends do crack...but they still try and convince their girlfriend "it's normal and great."

Happy HNT and good luck with the band. Let me know if you go on tour in the South or something

Leesa said...

Ok, in this instance, Crack is ok :)

Polt said...

heheheh, i did a crack shot today as well...great minds think alike, eh? :)


Green Eyes said...

Hey there, stranger! Nice ass! Now bend over! Thanks for sharing, too, I'll have to listen at home! Glad things are going well!

erika said...

I have to say crack is not loooking bad if you don't mind me sayin.

Anonymous said...

That is so precious, both the pic and the title. Got to admit it cracked me up!

Happy HNT!

Stealth said...

love it andy!!! the music....awesome!!!

Stealth said...

is that a crack sticker on his guitar???? anyone notice???

I think I might be the only one dear!!! hahhaaha

I am soooo flattered...

Cindy said...

Hey there Mr. Tanline! Happy HNT!

guttergirl said...

What is not to love about an Irish ass? I am Irish, I love your ass. Works for me Happy HNT

Randi said...

And a lovely lily white ass it is. HHNT

Life as I see it said...

LUV the white crack! Sweet guitar too!

Brown eyed girl said...

Woowooooooo Wow!
Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

very spankable
love it with you showing your instrument like that.
h hnt

Chickie said...

Nice behind! :) Happy HNT!

tm said...

Love this one.

S said...

Your ass looks fine Andy, but wow, I just wanna grab ahold of that hair and give it a good tug!

I love long hair on men! Meoowwww!

Anonymous said...

hey Andy. just thought I'd pop back & say thanks for sharing all the music! I came back to check after your note at mine, and have done some listening. you guys sound like you'd be a gas to party to/with! impressed mate, you've got talent with that guitar. thanks again, and all best to/with the GearJammers!


Anonymous said...

Tee hee. Crack is whack.
A day late but it's the thought that counts - right? Happy HNT!

wordslut said...

Ooh! I like … Now just turn around!