Tuesday, June 27, 2006

You know someone hates you when...


lime said...

yeah, that's a good sign for sure. or a bad one, as the case may be.

MG said...

yeah, that's pissed

Lil Bit said...

LOL! Yikes!

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

I hope that's not YOUR car...

Bella said...

That is so wrong. lol!

Green Eyes said...

Personally speaking, Audi's are crap, no big loss! LMAO

Thanks for the email!

Bougie Black Boy said...

I think that's something I would have done.

Theresa said...

that's creative hatred

Dee Jour said...

LMAO!!! and there I was thinking that scraping the keys across the paint job was bad. This is salient hatred at its best.