No, not really. On the other hand it could be a whole lot worse. Several of my close friends have either died or had major health problems recently and a seemingly large number of my favorite bloggy peeps are having similar issues as well. It makes me a bit nervous, like "What's that whistling sound I hear getting louder?" On the upside it makes me realize that any problems I may have are trivial in comparison. I am one lucky fuck and I'm grateful I'm not dead. The pic is one I took of my yacht club on the Hudson river from last year. My boat's the 2nd from the crop on the left but now it's white instead of blue. I made some good progress sanding the first coat of paint. Now if it would just stop raining I could finish! Bloody weather. Worked on the electrical systems last night and made some progress there as well. Life is good. My HNT pic will be late as I'm racing on my buddy's boat tonight (in the pouring rain no doubt). We are hardcore. By that I mean we are completely insane. Blogger's been a bitch this week. I couldn't post or leave comments for quite some time. Hope y'all are well.
Sorry you are blue. But, seeing as your boat isn't blue anymore...it's only a matter of time.
It does seem that almost everyone I know is being touched by disease or death too. I don't know if it's just the way of getting older? Or if the internet makes it easier for us to know these things about people in addition to those in our immediate lives.
yeah, blogger's been a pain in the ass....
I was like WTF? to your title, then "ahhh...." lol...
Have a great time tonight!
terrific pic. always good to take a moment to pause and be grateful. so many things we all have to be thankful for.
will check back for hnt then --- tell me about sounds... today I heard the tornado sirens being tested for the first time. I'm usually not home I guess... EEERIE
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