My lover left me but nobody knows
Back to her family but nobody knows
She's got a new job but nobody knows
She left me empty but nobody knows
So I bought a shotgun but nobody knows
And I bought some shells but nobody knows
I'll only need one but nobody knows
It's just as well that nobody knows
I'm leaving early but nobody knows
I'm going sailing but nobody knows
Out on the river where nobody knows
Set out my anchor where nobody knows
Drink lots of whiskey but nobody knows
Ain't gone to miss me but nobody knows
Empty the bottle but nobody knows
Drink my last swallow but nobody knows
I'll take my shoes off but nobody knows
A shell in the chamber but nobody knows
I'll kiss the barrel but nobody knows
A toe on the trigger but nobody knows
I'll put my foot down but nobody knows
One final flash now but nobody knows
They'll think I'm drownded but nobody knows
One final splash now but nobody knows
------Incidentally I just noticed that today is the one year anniversary of this blog.
Whoop-de-fuckin-do. Technically it's not really until next month since it was a month between the first and second posts because I'm an idiot. Happy Happy unbirthday to me.
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction.
fiction scmiction
I'm gonna have to wrtite a tale decribing what happened to me when I clicked in a saw a gun
I had no idea you liked guns and I became all a flutter -
twitterpated with weaponry I be...
ahh maybe I'll go take my HNT pics now
Twitterpated! Now that thar's a three dollar werd fer shur! I love it!
love it.
guns I dont like....a half nekkid man playing a guitar?? Now THAT I like...hehe
half-nekkid, man & guitar *definitely* go well together!
happy hnt :).
Oooh...like a nekkid chest and a guitar! HHNT ;)
Dang, its one o them gun totin crying tunes! Hi Andy!
I like it all--gun, guitar, hairy chest. Even the sad sad song.
Love the guitar....
What's beneath the strategically placed guitar? nobody knows. :)
Andy, I'm clicking and I can't get that damn gun to go off!
Happy HNT sweetie ;)
Gee Andy...feeling a little down?
Nice chest there Andy me boy!
Never noticed the similarity between guitars and guns quite like that before. Hmmmmm.
Fun pic! Happy HNT!
love the guitar shot. those lyrics worry me. HHNT
To those expressing concern for my continued existence, I thank you.
Don't worry. It's just a cry for attention. When I actually BUY a shotgun? Then worry. Until then it's all just shit talkin'.
Earnest Hemingway commited suicide with a shot gun. The little known fact is so did his son and three of his grand children. Weird hunh? You'd think that sort of behavior would tend to limit those genes from spreading.
Gotta love a guy that can play some music! So, what are you playing for us, Andy?
Oh my...happy HNT
HHNT!!! It's a very merry unbirthday..... TO YOU!!!!
Happy Blogiversary and HNT! Lookin' good, Nekked Guitarist.
Great Photo...and please cheer up.
Chin up Andy...it's yer birhtdee! Congratulations and HHNT!
So sad my friend!
In the words of Willie Nelson...
"I'd like to get even
With you cause you're leavin'.
But sad songs and waltzes aren't selling this year."
Hang in there Andy!
Happy (or unhappy) blogaversary, and here's to happier days (and HNTs) to come!
Wow, My one year is today (Thursday, June 29)at the Castle!
Happy Blog birthday!
Great picture btw...love it.
Happy HNT!
Great pic Andy, and I actually like the words. Nice to know we all have periods where we feel that way. HHNT!
an HNT ballad!
any other *cough cough* big guns?? *~*happy hnt sugar*~*
Ummm wow.
Happy 1st!
Happy Birthday, Baby!
so my being lates not too big of a deal.. i've got a month..
happy late hnt babe and happy unbirthday
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