Monday, March 27, 2006

This about says it all

I met Johnny Cash once when I was about ten years old. After a concert at the Melody Tent in Hyannis Mass we waited backstage. He gave me his autograph and was a perfect gentleman to my parents and I. Man, that dude could sing! Anyway I watched Walk The Line over the weekend and several things struck me. For one thing I just hate Joaqueen Phoenix :-t Having him play Johnny Cash is like having Michael Jackson play Mr. T. - It's plain wrong. For another thing movies with domestic violence and relationship trauma and drama really bum me out. I just can't take it. That shit just hits way to close to home. Anyway, screw the whole wide world, excepting you, my faithful friends, as I'm now on vacation. I'll return to my regularly scheduled blogging ASAP and no sooner.


Phain said...

have a wonderful vacation...

lime said...

i did think the plot was a bit redundant with the domestic violence and drug/alcohol issues but i was really impressed that joaquin phoenix and reese witherspoon did their own singing and did it so well. i thought they both pulled that off marvelously. and i gotta just say i think joaquin is smolderin' oh well, we all have our own tastes. have a great vacation!

Unknown said...

CASH is so hardcore.

You get five points for liking him.

Bella said...

I hope you are vacationing in style!!!

I was surprised by the movie too. Is that all they can come up with in his life???

ZooooM said...

Mr. Zoom hates Joaqueen P too! You guys should have t-shirts made. I haven't seen enough of "him" to know what it is that makes him so... so. .. horrible.


Bougie Black Boy said...

vacation without me!
fine screw you

Winterswan said...

I love Johnny Cash. The guy who I worked with at the tattoo shop down here turned me on to him and I've been into his music ever since. I've always had a thing for bad boys, for some reason, and I guess he fits into that genre. He also just plain played great music and spoke his mind. Have a great, relaxing, warm, fun vacation!!!!