I need your support gang! Kthx. And no, I didn't know Os was doing bathroom shots too!

I'm sure y'all don't notice it but I see all the new little "cuts" I'm getting from working out 4 days a week 2 hours a day over the last month. The stretched skin by my pecs, all that extra forearm muscle in the first pic (note the veins in the hand for those who like that sort of thing). In the second pic the whole curve of my back and the definition in my shoulders and pecs is all new too. New diet includes a gram of protein for each pound I weigh and not much else. Definitely NOT included anymore as of today are 1100 calories worth of beer a day. 1/3d less calories my ass. I've lost 13 lbs so far (back to 185 from 198) and experience tells me that even if I did nothing cutting out beer loses me 12 pounds in a month if I do nothing else. So by June first I hope to see 170 lbs again for the first time since...college? Yeesh. That's what all that beer got me. I need a new drug though. I have no way to deal with pain,anger or sorrow now. After enough beer I just didn't give a damn anymore. Now? I dunno. Run Forrest, Run I guess.
Nice!! Too bad I don't live closer, I'd come here ya play :) HHNT!
HHNT! Wish I could hear ya play.
Keep up the good work! Happy HNT!
HHNT andy and good luck with that!
Good luck!!! Love the pics. :)
Yes, nice cuts showing!
A new drug? Blogging isn't enough of a high?
Oh, and congrats on being visitor # 9000 over on my blog! I'm not sure you win anything, though...
i'd come but alas that damn water!
good luck with the gig, the regime and finding a new drug!
looking good babe! be proud and keep it up.
happy hnt*
The flash is actually an interesting addition in the first pic. And good luck to you!
A fine figure of a man. Keep up the good work :-)
Happy HNT!
You're sure shaping up nicely. Great shot, love the use of the flash.
Happy HNT sweetie ;)
Love the pic and see that the working out is paying off. . . i'll see what i can do about getting up there for your gig. We'll discuss via email.
You're feckin' killin' me!
HAWT, Andy me boy!!!!!
looking good andy, well done. if you do take up running it will certainly add to the fitness. HHNT
Nice pics/pecs Andy! Congrats with the diet/exercise regime..wish I had your willpower! Sorry, don't think I'll be able to make the gig :)...but hope you get a good turnout! HHNT!
Good luck with the gig. Nice pics - Happy HNT!
oooohhh, very very nice....
looking great ;)
btw, thanksk for pointing out the hand, I'm so into hands.... yours are fabulous.
I like this week's even better than last week's, and I liked those plenty. : ) HHNT, and congrats on being well on the road to where you want to be!
Congrats on the gig & new cuts!
Always nice to see the hard work payin' off, eh? Keep it up! ^5!
Anchors awayyyyyyyy! LOL ;)
you're lookin' good. like the tat.
happy HNT!
I'm likin' the progress!! And beer is my biggest vice. I have to really work to counter its effects. Good Luck and HHNT!!
Wow, looking good! Happy HNT!
Awesome pics!!! HHNT!!
Lookin good!!
Progress is really coming along!!
Best of luck for your show- if I lived anywhere near there I'd come for a visit but you know- that whole west coast thing.....
Happy HNT!
great job on the weight loss andy. keep up the good work!
Wow ... looking good!
Happy HNT
Congrats on all accouns and happy HNT!
Run Run Rudolph! Keep on.
You sexy pirate you! I wish I lived in NY so I could come check out your body, er...I meant show. Check out your show ahem. Thanks for the b-day wishes! HHNT!
to bad I'm so far down south...
however, I love your tattoo...and I did notice the cuts (but I still wanna run my hands through your hair....I'll let you decide where!)
Hey, cool in the gig! Looks like the hard work is paying off! Cheers and Happy HNT!
Nice job on the gym work! Wish I could head up to watch you play but, am working that nite and off to my friends graduation party.
Nice gun!
Happy HNT!
Hello Sailor! HHNT!
there's my favorite tattoo!
and you are looking good as well :)
happy HNT
Exercise is good medication. Congrats on the weight loss. I, myself, have lost nearly 30 pounds since the beginning of February. Thanks for coming by my HNT. Happy HNT to you! Nice pics.
I love the flash in the first shot. Congrats on the strategy for weight loss. Happy HNT!
And the bathroom is clean!
This might just be love.
Your drug is your workouts, no? Why is it always the good stuff that adds all the pounds. Soooo unfair. Glad you are happy with your results. You look good these days, and you looked good before, too.
break a leg tonite andy!
Andy, I'm beginning to think you have an evil streak. You just like to torture me every week with these pics.
(I have a sudden and powerful craving to lick a bellybutton)
Next monday.
Do we have a date?
I wish I could go to NY. I'd love to see you perform. Any chance we might get some video??
Now, look, that thought just got me all excited! I'd better leave before I say something debauched.
Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
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