Holy shit! I looked at my traffic statistics for WWW.ANDYT13.COM I discovered that I'm getting 2000 hits a month! 50 hits a day on average! That's a lot of friggin traffic! Apparently I need to refresh my web content more often! Look, out in the audience; PEOPLE! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I humbly thank you all for taking an interest in my creative efforts! Expect to see even more frequent content updates. Y'all bloggy peeps ROCK MY WORLD!
what you need to do is have HNT every day and your hits would triple
woohoo, well just maybe yer rockin ours
Mia - my pleasure.
Bougie - I dunno. That HNT traffic is limited to here I think. There isn't even a link to www.andyt13.com from here. I think people are getting there on their own.
lime-I hope so! Cheers all!
Woo hoo, congratulations Andy. I agree you do need to post more often and if you want to throw in some extra body parts, I won't be complaining. ;)
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