I wanted to express to my German friend Henri how exciting racing sailboats is. He is an amazing photographer so if you haven't heard of him check out World of White Trash. Anyway, he needs a new adrenaline rush since he's kind of done with mountain climbing so I suggested sailing. He said it was too slow. He thought I meant poking around on a lake. No, no, no! When you race sailboats, especially big ones in large fleets, it's like playing chicken with a truck. The clock is ticking, people are screaming, boats sometimes hit, your heart races...it rocks. Not better than sex, but very similar at times. You're finessing and cajoling this beautiful feminine beauty to get the optimum performance out of you both for the most satisfying outcome possible. Um...anyway... Henri lives in Berlin so maybe that's a little far from the sea. Anyone have any exciting new hobby ideas for poor Henri? Let's hear 'em. Better yet visit him and leave a suggestion!
i'm thinking philately would not quite be up to speed for henri. and i never knew about the world of sailboat racing. now i am intrigued.
Hmm. I didn't know stamp collecting was called philately!
Here's a good intro to sailboat racing:
here's some linky lovin' for some good trini recipes, thanks for the saling links
wow looks almost like a big henri campaign to me ,thank you my friend.To be honest i got a lot of other hobies.I make music this my band http://www.concarnage.com/ than i got my photoshootin adiction and i have a moterbike when i have time left i drive around like a speeddevil on the highway!!! This is a pic of my Love http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4109/533/1600/my63%20%282%29.jpg
Okay Andy you rock!!! i listen to your music not everything but the songs i hear were realy cool ..did you see the litle movie from our last gig?
its a lots of bytes i couldnt make it smaller !!
See ya
All this adrenaline talk is a stark contrast to my current blog post. Perhaps it's because I'm such a landlubber.
Henri maybe should join the rodeo? Wild bull riding?
well hell that was a faraway youth dream of me drivin rodeo !!!i´m sure when i lived i the US i was a Rodeo cowboy.
Alright, no more apathy today.
I'm rejoicing.
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