Well, due to circumstances nearly out of my control I've come into possession of this odd duck. 'Tis a 32 foot Seawind pilot house cutter ketch. Oy! What a mouthful! Cutter ketch means two headsails in front, a main sail and a small mizzen sail on a tiny mast in back. I'm not really a fan of the pilot house (the thing with the big square windows) and I'm contemplating removing it. Skooching by it to get to the foredeck in a hurry seems likely to result in unnecessary dampness. That is to say an unforseen swim. It depends how much work it is. My basic plan is to sell it as soon as possible. Having two yachts to feed and care for is an undesirable state of affairs.
Every time I look at this picture all I can think is "Damn! That thing's fuckin' HUGE!" Maybe it's because I hear that phrase so often? Ur. Big. Freakin. Boat. I'ma hopin' she sells fast. She's bigger than my yacht club allows.
all i can say is...thank you for defining cutter ketch. i could have come up with a number of obnoxious alternative definitions. hehehe. hope she sells fast too!
well i thought you were going to give me one? ? ?
otherwise Ebay it.
Hope all is well... have a debaucherous weekend.
Ah the happiest day in a boat owner's life is the day ye buys it and the day ye sells it!
That boat is damn sexy just like you baby!
Carl- Montauk Marina
Been to the end meant:
Oh dear!
Having two yatchs...Hoe come in my head you sound like Thurston Howel III?
Smooth sailing Andy my boy!
You know, if I had a place to put her out here in the middle of the cornfield, I might take her off your hands.
I wanna play yacht! I've already picked out my snooty yacht name. Or rather, one was assigned to me once: It's Francesca. Frankie for short. That's what you all will call me when you join me for a book club on my imaginary yacht.
Two boats!!!! Phew!!!! Bougie bougie...Just teasin ya, I actually kind of like her even though I know very little about sailing.
Oh ... my sister gave me a yacht name once too. She used to call me Boobetta Farnsworth, Boobie for short. My ex was Dicky.
Boobie: Frankie here. I believe we're armed and ready for Andy to take us on a 3-hour tour. Cheers, dahlink!
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