This was the first pic to come up on google images for "intoxication". I love it, especially her left hand. OK, once again we've reached a new high in Asshattery. It seems the esteemed members of law enforcement in Irvine Texas swooped down on unsuspecting bar patrons and arrested some 30 people for public intoxication. After all, they MIGHT drive drunk. Here's the link. Particualrly egregious are the arrests in A HOTEL BAR. Um, hello? I'm a patron of this hotel? I'm staying here tonight? NOT driving? Don't care, you're drunk, come with us. I dunno if any of my loyal readers are lawyers, but does implied consent (to a breathalyzer) apply any time other than when you're pulled over DRIVING? Welcome to the United States of You're Under Arrest. Public drunkeness=illegal, therefore public bars=illegal. Get it? There's no doubt in my mind that The Supreme Court would uphold this idiocy because public drunkeness is indeed against the law. It'll be interesting to see if they try to charge them with Intent To Drive Drunk. Bah. "Vere Ah Your Paypahs?" I dunno, but I DO have this shotgun here...
HOLY CRAP. There's no way I'm not going to be arrested now.
I guess we all have to move to Vegas. I'd like to see them try that crap in Vegas.
In all seriousness, this sucks. I'm not a lawyer, I work in law. But my peeps don't do criminal law, which this is.
This is frightening. Managing Otter over at Sgaggsville would have a field day with this story.
Holy CRAP! Irving is...like...close to me. Uggg. There's no safety for the drinkers of the world. Bastards. I bet Bush planned this just because he doesn't drink anymore. Spiteful twit.
OK, so of course this PISSES ME OFF.
I won't even click the link because it'll just ruin my newfound good mood...
I purposely stay in hotels with lounges when I travel....ummm....for this very reason??? omg...
I think I need a drink....
outrageous. friggin outrageous
Next thing you know they'll be bustin the doors of your home down and dragging you off for getting drunk there, wondering what the barn anima...oh wait - never mind *giggle*
Unbelievable. Thursday night is Girlz Night out...I can count on you for bail $$, yes?
And they actually apply the same limit for "public drunkenness" as they do for legal driving? This is so ridiculous! Ok, not quite as ridiculous as Mississippi outlawing the sale of sex toys, but still ridiculous. And I thought Texas would be a fun place to live!
What freaking amazes me is that somewhere, someone out there thought this was a good idea.
"Hey, I'm bored. Lets mess with someone."
"Ok, who? I don't see anyone breaking the law."
"Lets just go over to that bar over there and ruin everyones good time. You know 'cause we can!"
"We are the Police!!!! Lets abuse the trust given to us by the public!"
I bet it really happened like that. Tyrants
They came for our cigeretts;
But I don't smoke.
They came for our porn;
But I have enough to last for decades.
They came for the fatty fast food;
But I could still find a good burger.
Now they're coming for my BOOZE...
May god have mercy on them.
The pigs must die. Kill them all. Let God sort them out. On the 8th day God created beer. You can have mine when you pry it from my cold dead fingers.
well having recently moved to texas i also find most counties you can't BUY liquor to drink in your home -- i don't drink much but hate being banned from anythng -- what the heck does bible belt mean anyway?
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