Instant Karma - Well, not quite, but almost. I'm happy because, having answered honestly, they claim I shall be reincarnated as an owl. Only 9% of people will be reincarnated as a higher life form than me. I dunno what's so great about being an owl. Sure I'm soft and fluffy and I can fly silently and see a football field by candlelight but what's so great about eating mice? I'd rather be a lion or maybe an eagle; at least an eagle eats fish. They claim a pig is a filthy animal, but let's face it, wouldn't you want to have 30 minute orgasms? I ask you! So? Comment already. What shall you return as? Me wan know.
Did you cheat on your answers?!!
I'm a giraffe. 30% of people will come back as a higher life form than I am. I suuuuuuuuuuuuucks!
I seriousy did not cheat. However, I did try to improve my score and nothing would get you higher than 89%. If you were a woman you could get as high as 95% Methinks the test speaketh with a forked tongue. It's fun anyway. You don't suck. test. w00t!
I will be a Tiger in my next life!
Only 16% of people will be a higher form of life than me and apparently, you're one of them!
apparently i will be a horse next time around.
Only 16% of people will be reincarnated as a higher form of life than you.
Remain honorable in this life, and you can expect to be rewarded in your next life.
I *AM* just a kitty :)
I came back as a shark; only 5% will come back as a higher life form than me. I'm not sure I like the shark thing, though. I hate the water...
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