Well I spent the weekend getting my new aluminum mast together for my beautiful boat Gala. Man, I hated that ugly wooden one. Plus it weighed like 200 lbs; not conducive to snmooth sailing. Everything is coming together nice and I'm getting really pumped. New mast, new sails, new paint, new lifelines, new outboard and all at a very affordable price. It's amazing what one can accomplish when one is really motivated.
I want to party with you on your boat! Although, I do tend to get sea sick. If I do, will you hold my hair?
I really wanted to be #69 - Oh well, it could still happen!
You must realize I have boat envy. Serious boat envy. Of course, I live in the desert, so YES, I would like that much water in one place, please :)
I luv your boat ! so cool and the new mast looks perfect, did it change the way she sailed at all ?
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