I love it! The men almost all responded with "Whoa, scary!" The women almost all responded with "Whoa, sexy!" The girls who thought it was sexy tended to think that made them kinky. Fascinating!! I'm very pleased with the result. I was surprised how much it looks like I'm touching the knife with my left hand but it's an optical illusion. I'm nowhere near it. The main reason I asked you all what this means is I couldn't figure it out. I wanted something artistic, 1/2 naked, that included my boots and knife with a white background. That was the 2nd picture of the 8 that I took. That was the only one that looked remotely good but when I tried to imagine what was happening in the pic it was like "Hmm...what's going on HERE?!?!" I shopped an uncharacteristically long time for these. We went down to 8th street and 6th ave and there were about ten stores in a row. I went in every one and tried on a bunch of different brands and price ranges. Finally I found these. They fit, they're comfy, American made and were $180. You could REALLY tell the difference between these and the Chinese made for $100. DarkNeuro wins!She made me laugh: linoleum under your feet - do you show your knife to all the girls you meet?Answer: I was acquitted.
Ahh, very nice...congrats on the record number of posts, I showed my boobs and only got 16...wtf??
I guess i'm just a popular guy! LOL
Great pic below AND above...what is that from? Going all Last supper on us?
Great pics. I don't come by nearly enough. Thanks for the visit - i stole a link off you a while ago but didn't thank you properly. Definitely enjoying the boots. I've got a decent collections myself but no bike boots quite this spiffy. Very nice!
LOVE both pics (below, and especially above)...
Happy (very late) HNT
Ok, now it's 59!
This last suppper creeps me out.
Where did it come from?
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