I feel better! But I look terrible! Look, just LOOK what drugs and alcohol do to you! LOL! OK, well I finally beat off...my cold. Phew! 'Twas nasty! It's cold as a motherfucker in the Northeast today for the first time this winter. Dammit.
Slight digression: I went last night to a figure drawing workshop for the first time since I medelled for them in college. It was FUN!!! I haven't enjoyed myself that much in ages! I was smack dab in the middle of the talent level. Better than about half the class, not as good as the other half. I held my own pretty well though. Results soon to be posted!
Now to resume the hero worship theme: Keith Richards is the luckiest sonofabitch alive. I've always run hot and cold on The Rolling Stones. Sometimes I'm into it, other times it's a big yawn. I wouldn't go see them, especially at $400 a ticket but they did make some great and influential music. As a rhythm guitarist the guy can't be beat. Also, he has the best rock star quote on aging I ever heard. "When I was 20 it was a good bet I wouldn't make it to 30. When I turned 30 it was a SURE bet I wouldn't see 40. When I turned 50 it finally hit me; I'm going to live forever!" True enough! I bet in a hundred years more people still know who Keith Richards was!
crimony, andy...i was eating my lunch...you shoulda warned me keith's ugly mug was gonna hit me. ruined a perfectly good chocolate moment.
and you summed up my feeling on the stones perfectly...yes, i recognize they are tremendously influential but they aren't gonna get any of my money.
Hey sweetie, glad to see you're feeling better.. come by later and see what your "fine" is... :)
I'm glad you're feeing better. Everyone here at my house is sick. Blech; cough, cough; hack.
I think old Keith is out there drinking blood at night while we're all sleeping. How could he still be alive?? I mean, I'm glad he is, but, I'm just saying....
MY GAWD!!!!!! It's hard to believe it's the same person...yeeesh!
Glad to see that you're up and about again. I hear you about the cold...I am in WI and I am FREEZING!!!
Oh baby it's cold outside!
Glad to hear you're feeling better. I was down with it last week. Am either getting round 2, or allergic to the cat I brought home. I'm not sure which I'm hoping for.
hugs, you.
He does look horrible. I've seen the Rolling Stones twice during their "Voodoo Lounge" Tour. I saw them in Oakland and then in Mountain View. It was great! They sure put on one helluva show.
Glad you're feeling better, Andy! Can't wait to see your "figure drawing". I am not sure what that is but I think I will be impressed.
I meet Keith a few years ago. He looks worse in real life, if you can believe that!
Boy am I glad that’s not your HNT! :)
What no HNT? Did I miss the grand exit or something?
HHNT anyway Andy!
aww sorry you were sick hon...
Glad to hear you are feeling better.
A few years ago, there was an ad for an oldies radio station here. It went " Do you remember when Keith Richards looked healthy? Neither do we." I love that ad.
The Stones rock!
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