I'm avoiding posting anything really personal lately but I'm making an exception today. I've been in a severe funk the last few days. That's moderately bizarre because overall things are going really well. I suspect my efforts of stay off caffiene and nicotine are negatively effecting my brain chemistry because I could truly see no reason for the degree of unhappiness I was experiencing. Sure, I lost someone I truly love to the ravages of time and distance and that hurts A LOT but that's par for the course in this life. People come and people go. The only other real hurdle was a profound dissatisfaction with the band since we have no regular drummer. As such we had become a "pickup band" playing with whatever drummer on very little rehearsal. Since we're playing some complex music this wasn't working. That problem resolved itself this past weekend as I opted to move forward with a new rhythm section which thankfully come with a rehearsal space. Thus the very expensive pro recording studio sessions at the end of the month have a much higher probability of producing quality material, or so I hope anyway. I have a chance at a really big opportunity at the end of the week but if I actually GET the opportunity it's going to entail some huge life changes. That has me a bit apprehensive but WTF? It's all in the Lord's Arms. Namaste.
I hope this opportunity works out for you. Just do what Sam did...say FU to the cliff, and jump off.
um dude, you describe several things in this post that would contribute to a funk, add that to the ravages of pathogens you just came through....don't be so hard on yourself. i'll be anxious to hear abouit the big potential....
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