Lately I've been so serious what with the gig coming up and the stage fright and the weight loss and the working out and the on again off again heartbreak that for HNT's anniversary I thought I would show a bit of my whimsical side for a change. Belive it or not I can be quite lighthearted and amusing when the mood strikes me. Thus I bring you this:

And since I can never follow instructions I bring you my second ever HNT post. My first one was my anchor tattoo the day I got it but the picture was fuzzy and I know this one is much more popular with the ladies of HNT. My first HNT got 3 comments. Now I regularly get 50. I'm really happy to know all you wonderful people and I must thank Os for hooking me up with you all. You all just rock so freaking hard and you're all beautiful. So there.

Alas I pitched my mirror in a fit of self loathing rage so now I only have the bathroom one to work with. Actually, I was just bent because the mirror was, in fact, bent and the fun house effect annoyed me. I need a new one for artistic purposes. We had our first sailboat race of the season today and once again we won. A good start to the year. Sailboat racers: FEAR THIS.
And now a final reminder for tomorrow night. Please come if you can: I'll be playing my guitar and singing tomorrow night, Friday May 12th @ 9 PM at Friend's Bar @ 140 Grand Ave. Croton On Hudson, NY 10520. (914) 271-1126. HHNT y'all!
All great shots! Yep, that first one is priceless! Cheers and Happy HNT!
Love the camera placement in the first pic and the second one is just damn hot!! Happy HNT
Yes that is quite light hearted dear boy!
Congrats on the first win of the season!
If I were in NY you could bet on me being at the gig tomorrow night...but alas I am not! Good luck, I'll be there in spirit!
O, yeah...yeowza!!!That's a damn fine HNT shot - even if you can't quite follow instructions!
Happy HNT!!!
You weren't the only one@!
Very hot shot :)
I wish I could hear you play....
obviously you're getting more comments for a very good reason.
quite hot, that 2nd one. and love the hat.
happy hnt!
I can see why the ladies like it. Nice pics. HHNT
Fun pic for the anniversary!! I never saw your second pic when you put it up.... boy am I glad I am getting a chance to see it now ;-)
Happy HNT!
Love both pictures for completely different reasons!
All the best for your gig. :0)
Woo hoo, I like the bottom pic best. Now if I can only work out a way of scrolling down.
Happy HNT sweetied ;)
Two very nice shots!
LOL love the first one!It gave me a good laugh. The second is very sexy! HHNT
HOT! as usual. HHNT, Andy!
I always love your HNT! These are awesome!
boths shots are great. that hat cam is a hoot and the other one is just yummy. HHNT
love the pics hhnt!
Let me just say...
I wasn't blessed to see that first go round, reposting HOT HNT's rocks, "hard" ;)
Tomorrow night will be awesome, just remember how freakin HOT you are!
Great pictures... The first is funny, the second makes me want to stick my head inside the monitor so I can peer downwards there...
You have the perfect tummy!
I'm glad I'm alone this morning so no one can see me drooling.
Great pics, but yes, the 2nd one is my favorite! HHNT!
Great pics, but yes, the 2nd one is my favorite! HHNT!
Happy HNT anniversary a week early! LOL You do look awesome in that second shot sir!
Ummm...yeah. Wow. And several other short, semi-speechless words. Great shot! Happy HNT!
I love HNT revisited :D I missed so much early on ;)
And I love the celebatory one...the camera on your head really does it for me :D Wonder if you can keep that balanced there while I....
Ohhh la la!! Where was I when you started doing HNT!!?? hehe Oh well...glad I got to see that pic now!! *whew*!!!
The first one is superrrb! LOL
No Fear baby!
Great pics!
Wonderful and whimsical! HHNT!
very festive! happy hnt.
Wonderful! Happy HNT!
Very good shots! Happy HNT!
Congrats on the CD and hope the Friday night gig goes well.
As for posting your second HNT - you rebel, you! Happy HNT!
congratulations and great pics
thank you
i love the hat
Great Pics!
Happy HNT
how was the performance. we want details
I'm a bit late making the rounds this week but great photos. The first one reminds me of the blues brothers. Happy HNT
I was going to say something about the camera on the hat... but the second picture just distracted me WAY too much
Happy (b-lated) HNT
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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