Wednesday, May 17, 2006

HNT Anniversary Fo' Shizzle

But First: Please Click To Hear (and buy?) My 1995 CD. Thanks! Maybe now I can afford to make the new ones! And now my anniversary shot:

Running 5 miles a day is making my legs nice so I thought I'd show them off. Since I shot my celebration load last week this is as good as it gets this week.

Here's my first. HHNT Y'all! Thanks for all your support! The next gig is Sunday June 4th 7-11 PM @ The Parrot Bay Bar and Grill in Stony Point NY. No Cover + Great Food + Cheap Drinks = Good Times!


Suze said...

Very creative and fun, guess you could say I'm hooked.

Happy Anniversary HNT sweetie ;)

Phain said...

ooh legs! very yummy ;) *~*Happy HNT*~*

Sexy Duet said...

Love the leg pic - very creative. HHNT!

lime said...

funky stuff with that effect. great gams! h appy HNT!

Anonymous said...

Those ARE some nice legs! HHNT!

The Middle Child said...

Where is Stony Point? I am in NY.

Nice anniversary pic, great leg(s)?
Happy HNT!

Madame X said...

Can ya manage something on this side of the Hudson next time?

The 4th....possible gotta talk to Ell.

Nice HNT though the leg one is kinda freaky!!


MG said...

you made my head spin, usually it's just tequila doing that ;)


Leesa said...

I'm loving that anniversary shot! Very cool! HHNT :)

Wenchy said...

All the best with your next gig... enjoy!!!!

Rebecca said...

F-rrrrrrrrrrreakin' AWESOME!!


Robyn said...

That's crazy! And very cool! Nice legs by the way!

Anonymous said...

Good legs for walkin'! Have a great gig and knock em' dead! Happy HNT!

Mike said...

Sexy legs. HHNT!!

Rainypete said...

With that many legs I'm sincerely impressed that you can run at all. Do you just kind of scuttle around in circles ro is there any sort of direction to it? Happy HNT-iversary

lecram sinun said...

Wow, Andy! That totally Rocks! Cheers and Happy HNT Anniversary!

AndyT13 said...

Actually that's all my right leg. It took about two seconds to take the pic and about an hour and a half screwing with it. I'm really sucky at photoshop. It takes me forever to figure out how to do anything since I steadfastly refuse to read any sort of manual. I do enough of that crap at work LOL I'm happy with it though. The two or three I've done on that theme with the tie die all came out very well I think. HHNT!

WDKY said...

Looking good... Happy HNT!

Cindy said...


But kinda freaky. I'm scared of spiders.


Happy HNTaversary!

AnnieAngel said...

Spiderman. :)

Happy HNT!

AnnieAngel said...

And now I'll be singing Spiderman in my head all day, thanks! ;)

Cosima said...

Bizarre bar stool, octopus, soccer wonder?

Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! I am a leg gal, so this has got to be my favorite HNT!
Happy HNT`aversary~

betchacantguesswho said...

Are we allowed to weigh the anchor? Or at least feel the heft of it?
Happy HNT!!

erika said...

Love the leg picture!

No Cover + Great Food + Cheap Drinks What eles could you ask for??

BTExpress said...

Holy crap, I'll say the running makes your legs look nice. I love the way you put them together like that. Happy HNT Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Great anniversary shot. Very creative. HHNT and thanks for stopping by today.

Shay said...

Very cool effect!!! The colours look very neat in your leg shot but your arm looks sunburnned! :(

Happy aniversary HNT!

Michelle said...

Whoo hooooooo....great legs.....all 8 of them!! ;)


S said...

HHNT ANdy! 5 miles a day? I dont think I run 5 miles a year, I am such a slug!

S said...

Guess who the newest owner of your CD is? Always into supporting another artist Andy!

Cristina Rodguez said...

That's reaaaally weird but cool at the same time...

Philip said...

Psychedelic HNT. Nice.

Happy HNT

Haleigh Anne said...

That's awesome! Nice leg (or is it legs?)! HHNT!

Polt said...

Very trippy photo! Course, if you've got 8 legs to run with, 5 miles should be a breeze! :P


T - Another Geek Girl said...


Can I have another bite?


Anonymous said...

happy hnt

Lee Ann said...

Awesome pictures! Happy HNT Anniversary!

Bougie Black Boy said...

if I, as bougie black boy, bought your CD, everyone else on here should too!

Anonymous said...

Very Creative

Happy HNT

SCH said...

Very creative photo editting! Happy HNT Anniversary!

Crystal said...

I love the legs shot! Excellent!

And of course I'm happy to enjoy your first HNT. It was before my blog time. :)

Robin Alexa said...

That is TOO cool.

Moosekahl said...

The new pic is awesome! Happy HNT

Mark Leslie said...

Very funky shot! Happy HNT Anniversary to you and hope the next gig goes well! Hope your band is playing next time I'm in NY.

Lil Bit said...

Wow, Andy! Look at them musccckkkles you're gettin' in your legs! Yay!
... and oh so creative & fun... 'specially w/the tie-dye bg.
and, Hey!! - I do believe I remember that 1st anchor-tat post! ;)

~HNA~! =)

The Funky Bee said...

Yayy! Love the pic's, Happy HNT anniversary!

onan the bavarian said...

That is effing brilliant! I hope you don't mind if I link (with appropriate acknowledgement) to this picture some time soon. Let me know if that's not OK.


m_o_o_nspells said...

Thanks for your kind words at my place!
I LOVE this pic...very cool effect! And I love any and all tat pics...I enjoy seeing what images other people place on their bodies to reflect their personalities!

CeeCi said...

Great pictures! I adore kaleidescopes and muscular leg(s). Happy HNT!

babyG said...

cool pic and thank you for the comment, I was thinking that you did not like the story and that was why I never got a comment about it

Tammy said...

That leg pic is awesome!