Wednesday, October 26, 2005
OK, for all my bitching and blathering about getting off cigs and booze I still have a long way to go. Nevertheless here's my HNT submission for today. Hopefully in a month or two at my current rate I'll start looking like Chris Evans below. I wish this pic showed more of my arms and shoulders. Oh well. Maybe next week. Have at you!

Yum! Baby, you're a delicious dish for fine dining THIS month! If that angel of yours gets hit on the head and runs away with a band of gypsies, ring me up!
Woooo, Nice!
Happy HNT!
You're all very kind. I thank you.
I was thinking I get all the validation I need from my beloved Brenda but it's nice to share my progress with my IIF's. It's an odd aspect of my personality that I'm an egomaniac exhibitionist with an inferiority complex. I look at that picture and think "Tsk, you FAT BASTARD."
Ah, American culture, so sweet yet SO toxic! Love you all, dahlings.
whoa! hmmm! nice! Happy HNT!
ooh my.. the peach fuzz gets a little thick down at the bottom there! whoo hoo! Happy HNT
You are all too kind. All the more reason to hit them weights even harder! 4 hours a day. GOD that would speed things up wouldn't it?
Cheers me loverlies!
WOW, ummm...WOW
That is a very good shot, you have every reason to be pleased, and now, thank you for giving me a bit of pleasure this midday :)
Happy HNT
Who in the Hell needs Chris Evans???
HHNT, Hottie!!
Do I have to be the first dude on here to compliment you? Jeesh!
Forget Chris Evans. everyone wants meat to hold onto. I'm sure Theresa would agree!
What does HNT mean? ? ? I've seen this quite often recently.
Whoa, nice, very nice! Happy HNT!
Very nice pic.
Happy HNT!
Hey popeye, very nice.
Happy HNT!
Well this has been very enlightening and flattering. Apparently I'm better looking than I thought LOL. I'm sure the world will thank you all for pumping up my insanely over inflated ego even more. ;-) Thanks gang. You all had some pretty nice submissions yourselves this week. I think I managed to visit and comment on everyone. Hopefully next Thursday's entry will stand up to this one!
Hey, that camera was pointing down far enough but still looks yummie.
I'm a shameless voyeur. I just had to come back for another peek. Wow, and Stephen seems to know exactly what I like. Maybe he read my long ago post about how much I LOVE man bellies.
woo hoo! keep up the good work!
ROFL! More of what? Hell, you practically showed us more of a lot of stuff.
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