Mine is "Which way is the nearest bar?" Minor cause for celebration today. It's Saturday and I have exceeded 24,000 words. It's a cinch I'll be past the halfway mark by tomorrow. That means I'll need just 2083.3 words per day. So far I seem to do 2000 words a day fairly easily between 10PM and 2AM. 500 words an hour does not seem particularly onerous. That's less than ten words a minute. Also, lest you think I'm being disciplined about this, that includes copious amounts of pacing around wondering what happens next and regular cigarette breaks. Yes, I fell off the wagon at the wedding in Miami. I'm not giving up quitting (quitting giving up? whatever) but I feel I need the extra stimulant during this process. New quit date: Dec. 1st.
One more thing: I recently went back and read what I wrote so far and you know what? The shit ain't half bad, yo! I'm a bit surprised. Anything else? Thanks to everyone for being so nice to me about my HNT posts and my life in general. I love you all, truly and not just because you like to see me naked. :-) Y'all rock harder than diamonds.
i don't care about any of these places. just point me to brenda!!!
Which one should I steal to use as my next chapter title?
"For 5 dollars American, my donkey can take you and your wife to any these places faster than all other donkeys in Mexico."
how about: "Show me the way to amerillo!"
Har har har!
i fucking hate that song!
nice crazy sign action though.
Nice! I need to post winners for this and the previous captioning contest. Maybe I'll get to that tonight. Maybe not...
"No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service?--Fuck That! Gimme a beer!"
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