But only thirteen days to write them in. That's a mere 2235
.8461538461538461538462 words per day. No, I'm not kidding. That's what the calculator came back with. It would really help if I could manage to start writing before midnight but I have a beautiful girlfriend who's sick and needs tending to. One must have one's priorities in the proper gear. Lovin' comes before writin'. OK, love comes before anythin'. At least one hopes it does! Another hindrance is I've been doing a lot of this on my laptop and laptop keyboards suck major ass. And don't get me started on the so-called 'mouse' control. Fucker. And finally, as if these excuses for being nearly 10,000 words behind schedule aren't enough, I submit to you that the bottom half of my entire right arm has been oscillating between intense pain and tingly numbness since before I started this fucking project. Needless to say this is not helping. And there's that pesky work thing to consider as well. I hope I can get some big word days in this weekend. Banging out 10,000 words in two days would catch me up. I hate being behind. Unless it's behind Brenda! OK enough yak. Pic:

God how I love this woman! By the way, for those who were asking, this picture was taken at our friends' wedding in Islamorda Florida, between Key Largo and Key West. The HNT post below was taken on South Beach in Miami Florida the day before. The Northeast sucks, we're outta here ASAP. Give me hurricanes ocver snowstorms any day. Booya!!!!!!!!!!!
Ohh.. no kidding. We got our first snow and I am already to be DONE with it... give me palm trees over a white Christmas ANYDAY!!
may you always feel this strongly about brenda. it's totally charming! and i couldn't agree more about the northeast - give me heat and humidity any day of the week over freezing temps and snow. uggh.
keep on chugging at that laptop.
that's a great picture too, and a lovely testament :)
Happy HNT late too...and congrats on your writing success so far!
i love you, simply because your girlfriend comes first
i'm still impressed with your goal of writing the 50k word novel. Perhaps I need to start my goal too, even tho the month is almost over, i can make my own 30 days. starting the week i have off for vacation for thanksgiving.
You do have your priorities straight. And that's something, considering you have 4 billion projects. This is a great shot of Brenda, btw. With the moon in the middle and all. I hope she feels better soon! And continued good luck with your writing!
Write like the wind, m'dear! (I totally know how it feels. No novels under my belt but too much time writing for daily newspapers ...)
By the way, the picture? Rocks.
Thanks y'all. I loves me my bloggy peeps and you all are the best. This is better than group therapy. :-) I love it when Laurie says I'm awesome!
And Stephen I agree. No need to be on anyone else's time frame for your creativity as long as you do the work man. It's all about the work. Really I just wanted to be able to go to a party with a bunch of frustrated writers and say "Yea, I banged out 50,000 words in a month. What's the bug fuckin' deal bitches? I didn't even take time off from work! Y'all lazy motherfuckers!"
Yea, I'm gonna be REAL popular. Woot!
You are funny Andy...and I just dont thinkI could do that. Maybe, but I have three kids under the age of three that need me most of the time.....I have to write while they are sleeping which is pretty much never...lol. I hope you reach your goal. that would be pretty cool man.
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