Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Red Square

No, I'm not going to Moscow (um..yet). This is just the uncreative name I came up with for this new uncreative piece of "art" I just whipped up. I like it in spite of that. There's something familiar and friendly about it to me. I'm now inspired to do something with blue elipses but anyway... I've been having these weird vivid dreams lately, all of them very strange. I'll spare you the details but my subconcious is getting a workout. I took my first new HNT pic in a while. I think y'all gonna like it; at least I hope so.


Chickie said...

This reminds me of something I did on an Etch-A-Sketch once. But the red makes it prettier :)

ZooooM said...

I really like much of your art, Andy. This one reminds me of an etch a sketch. That's a compliment, in case it didn't translate well. Which I often do not.

Bougie Black Boy said...

i like your art. all of it. is this digital?

AndyT13 said...

Thanks Stephen. One of the many products my company makes is a program called "Media Marrker" which is a lot like MS Paint. Anyway that's what I made this with. WOuld that I could paint lines that straight!