Thursday, November 10, 2005


OK, since I'll be in FLA for a wedding working on my NANOWRIMO novel I won't have time to take or post a new HNT picture. Boo, hiss, I know. SO! I have decided to post this picture of me playing bass Half Nekkid! I love this picture but really wish I had taken off the socks. Then I would have been COMPLETELY NEKKID! A little background: I'm playing with the Spanish punk/metal band J&B (Juergistas Y Borrachos) in Madrid Spain. It's the first show of the tour and I decided during the last song to strip WHILE PLAYING. I didn't miss a note. This was such a hit that the band insisted I do it every show, so I did. Thus I got to live the Red Hot Chili Peppers line : "Travel 'round the world gettin' naked on the stage, bustin' people out of their every day cage!" for audio & such. Enjoy. PS- Please visit two posts ago and submit a caption. So far they're a scream! UPDATE: 1261 words in the new novel so far!


ZooooM said...

RIGHT ON!! This is such a great picture and story!

And I'm not that good at math and all, but I think you are more than half nekkid here.

Beth said...

Wooooo! Go on with your bad self!

But ummm...without the g-string, where do I stuff the bills?

Theresa said...

I'm with Zoooom. You gotta be above the 95th percentile in nekid-ness.

Nice legs!



Lee Ann said...

Woo, love it! So nice! Happy HNT!

lecram sinun said...

Damn fine pic! Cheers and happy HNT!

EverlastingKnowItAll said...

I think you're right about the socks, but that certainly doesn't discount the fact that this is one hell of a good picture!

Happy HNT!

Tammy said...

That's hot.

Happy HNT!

Shauna said...

Oh I don't know. The socks make it kinda funny.

I like it!

AndyT13 said...

Zoom and T: OK more than 1/2 but the bass counts for something. Well it did when I kept it where it was anyway.

QofA: I guess you can put the my socks! :-)

Apparently the socks rock. Believe me I was thinking about it. I wasnt wearing a shirt to start and the pants were loose enough to wiggle out of, but I couldn't think of a way to take off the socks without losing my place in the music LOL

cmhl said...


Unknown said...

Love it! Happy HNT

Jen said...

Wow! You're brave! :) HHNT

paper clip said...

You, sir, are extremely talented.

Happy HNT.

lime said...

wow, wild bass playing! happy HNT!

Tess said...

Call me generous, Andy.

And so are you with this pic.

Happy HNT!

MG said...

wow, I'm impressed...great HNT!

Anonymous said...

I effing love it!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mara said...

LOL.. I'm absolutely loving the white socks.

happy hnt

S said...

Why, you naughty, naughty boy Happy HNT!

Mark Leslie said...

Hey, fun shot - so where do you keep the extra guitar piq? Oh, in your socks.

Best of luck on the NANOWRIMO novel! You're not working on it Half-Nekkid today are you?

Stephanie said...

Could you please move the guitar??? Very nice!! Happy HNT!!

C.J Hixon said...

I've only ever played topless!
Very cool shot!

Happy HNT!!


Michelle said...

Whoo hoooooooo...half nekkid with a guitar...sexyyyyyy ;)


AndyT13 said...

Woohoo! Most. Comments. Evah!
Thanks and tons of love to you all!
You all freakin' ROCK!

Lelly said...

Highly amusing...and very brave! Thanks for visiting...not quite sure what your comment was alluding to though!

The Persian said...

that was a pretty Kool HNT pic man.

Chickie said...

I like it! You are a brave soul. Happy HNT!

sands of time said...

Happy HNt

ell said...

woo-hoo! you are a brave soul, andy. but definitely, lose the socks!

Nancy Pants said...



AndyT13 said...

Hahah! I'm rockin out with my socks on! Hahaha! And that's not all! You all made my day!
:-) Thanks!

Aisha T. said...

It looks like I missed out on a fun show! Hey, you need the socks--you never know what people will throw on stage!

Robin said...

Now that's HAWT! HHNT!

Naughty K said...

Great photo, if you could only move the base... HHNT Karen

Grimstarr said...

I can see your balls even behind the bass. Rock on!! HHNT!