Wednesday, November 23, 2005

32,500 words = 8 days to write 17,500 = 2185 words per day

And that is my score for today! Sorry no post before now, but I have been Super Sick for two days and I couldn't write Jack Shit. So I had two huge word days over the weekend and then lost all the ground I made up by alternately sleeping and moaning miserably on the couch in front of the TV. The price of tending your loved one when she is sick is getting the dreaded bug yourself. Dammit! Whatever. I can still make the deadline. I can't wait for the Thank God It's Over party. Rock on my diamond hard bloggy peeps, rock on. And all you Nanowrimo freaks out there quit reading this and write! Woot! Woot! Here's a pic of us disgustingly happy in Islamorada Fla:


Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Taunt us with your sunshine and beaches, while we wrap ourselves in fleeces!

Have a great thanksgiving!

Bougie Black Boy said...

Glad you're still writing. cant wait till you let us know what the book is about!

great pic. Can we write captions again?

Anonymous said...

isn't disgustingly happy a prelude to some other really good shit??


ell said...

come on andy, where've you been? your blog groupies miss you! ;)

Bill said...


Do you write full time for a living? I love to write yet I only do it in my spare time. Stephen referred me to your blog as he says you inspire him.